You guys have given me so much over the 10+ years. I started my Jiu-Jitsu journey back in February and I am totally obsessed.
My school is a Pedro Sauer school. I created a study guide based off the instructors book curriculum rotation. Anyone that has interest just comment here and drop me a email to my email in signature line.
Rules: Be interested in Jiu-Jitsu!
Included in the guide I created: - Blue Belt Lesson plans for 25 classes - Videos of techniques linked (About 2-3 hours) - Tab with Links to Pedro Sauer demonstrating a large portion of the Blue Belt Test
Train how you intend to Fight
Remember - Training is not sparring. Sparring is not fighting. Fighting is not combat.
Posts: 8981 | Location: Woodstock, GA | Registered: August 04, 2005
Put me in for the karma. I just started BJJ a couple weeks ago. Like it so far as I have been sticking to the fundamentals classes. I am going to check out a place that teaches Aikido and Serrada Escrima to augment what I am learning.
Posts: 4126 | Location: St.Louis County MO | Registered: October 13, 2006
I'm a Jack McVicker brown belt and starting BJJ nine years ago was one of the best decisions I've ever made. That is an awesome karma you are giving away.
Posts: 350 | Location: Central Illinois | Registered: December 10, 2015
Awesome Karma. I’d appreciate the chance. I’ve been interested for some time and a friend talked me into trying it out. I showed up to the the class in shorts and a t shirt and met my friend. He had a duffle bag. I asked him what he had in the duffle bag, and he says, “my gi.” I got thrashed around and learned some things. Good workout too. Been thinking of going back for another class when I dropped my motorcycle on my leg last week and broke my Tibia. That’s gonna have to wait a bit. Actually had surgery yesterday afternoon and am typing this from the hospital bed. This is my longest rant yet. Thanks for the chance and great to see people involved and interested in this art!
Posts: 515 | Location: Upstate NY | Registered: October 09, 2018