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Some guidelines and tips for new members or for those considering registering for the forum Login/Join 
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I hope this is correct. As I understand, and I may well be wrong, I am not supposed to ask about rather or not I should buy from a merchant's web site or if other members have had any experience with that merchant? I do not thing that is mentioned above. I value this forum and my membership in it very much. So if any of what I have said above is incorrect, I meant no harm.
Posts: 639 | Location: northern VA. | Registered: August 18, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Be not wise in
thine own eyes
Picture of kimber1911
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No posting while drunk.
No cracking jokes about the dead before they are buried.

“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”
Pres. Select, Joe Biden

“Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021
Posts: 5301 | Location: USA | Registered: December 05, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Optimistic Cynic
Picture of architect
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Something I have learned with some associated pain:

It is considered rude to "dump" on someone else's thread, for example responding to "I am delighted with my new Brand X widget!" with "I, for one, have no use for Brand X or any of their products." The simple fact is that nobody cares about your negative comment, and you are insulting the intelligence and/or judgment of the original poster by doing so.

This is not to say that responding to someone who explicitly asks for opinions with a less than supportive comment is out of bounds especially if you provide understandable and logical reasons for how you feel.
Posts: 7079 | Location: NoVA | Registered: July 22, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
is circumspective
Picture of vinnybass
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Go Fund Me and donation-type threads got out of hand for a while.

Maybe you'd want to add something to address that.

"We're all travelers in this world. From the sweet grass to the packing house. Birth 'til death. We travel between the eternities."
Posts: 5630 | Location: Las Vegas, NV. | Registered: May 30, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Dances With
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It would be really nice and appreciated if when posting a video, you’d also post the link.

If I want to share that video with someone somewhere else it’s so much easier than finding the source of the video.

Posts: 12099 | Location: Near Hooker Oklahoma, closer to Slapout Oklahoma | Registered: October 26, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
bigger government
= smaller citizen
Picture of Veeper
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I'm not sure there's a bullet point that can cover this, but I really liked Arc's thread he wrote once upon a time regarding thread miscreancy. People that generally meander into a thread and cause trouble. This happens often when someone starts a thread about an object, or food, or a specific computer/phone brand. The trope goes something like:

TITLE: Anyone have Brand Y Widget? I'm considering purchase or having trouble.
Post 1, Original Post:
As the thread title states. The thing won't do the trick, or I also wonder if it's a good purchase?

Post 2:
I have this product I can help with XYZ.

Post 3:
I have no interest in this. I would never buy Brand Y.

Post 4:
Oh, I've had that issue, or I've had zero issues and you can buy with confidence.

Post 5:
My cat's urine smells better than Brand Y. Plus that garbage is made in Borneo by <POLITICAL PARTY'S> fart bubbles.

Post 6:
My Mom has Brand Y. It's great. Works great. No issues.

Post 7:
I sold all of my Brand Y because their stance on marbles conflicts with mine. Plus I like ball bearings more anyway. WAY better return on your investment as far as the game of Marbles goes.

Post 8:
Dude you need to get <LONGTIME MEMBER'S> take on Marbles.

Original Poster:

Obviously there's no fix or perfect label for it, but it seems like people can wade into threads they really don't have an interest in, just to tell us how much they don't care, even if they've read the thread. Thread miscreancy it was called I think.

“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.”—H.L. Mencken
Posts: 9187 | Location: West Michigan | Registered: April 20, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Postings in classifieds should be titled:


Posts: 10062 | Registered: October 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Ignored facts
still exist
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Screaming "IBTL" or posting IBTL memes on a thread that will likely be locked is frowned upon.

"Rick Rolling" is really frowned upon.

As much as you may want to, don't make a comment in the Fun Pictures / Memes threads.

Posts: 11329 | Location: 45 miles from the Pacific Ocean | Registered: February 28, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Semper Fi - 1775
Picture of Ronin1069
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Apparently this needs to be bumped.

So frustrating.

All it all you got.
For those who have fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know

Posts: 12504 | Location: Belly of the Beast | Registered: January 02, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
His diet consists of black
coffee, and sarcasm.
Picture of egregore
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nested quotes …

Along those lines, if a post contains pictures and you wish to quote it, leave the pictures out of it. We like seeing pictures of your guns, cats, dogs or whatever, but there is no need for half a dozen redundant pictures on the same page.

If you wish to post a YouTube or other video, don't just post a "raw" link with no explanation. YouTube makes it easy to embed videos. If you want to have the video start at the good or relevant part, YouTube also lets you do that.
Posts: 29523 | Location: Johnson City, TN | Registered: April 28, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posting without pants
Picture of KevinCW
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Are we still permitted to "plug" a members post in thr classifieds? There are some long time sellers who have done right time and time again that even though I haven't made purchase, I feel their business should be noted.

Strive to live your life so when you wake up in the morning and your feet hit the floor, the devil says "Oh crap, he's up."
Posts: 33288 | Location: St. Louis MO | Registered: February 15, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of 71 TRUCK
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Is it possible ,once this is done, to pin this to the top of every section so new and current members can go back and read it.
This may help people who either want to post something but are unsure if it is okay or if someone is wondering why their post was locked/deleted.

Someone mentioned you would have to agree to this while registering. I think this is a good idea.
My wife runs a Facebook group for our club. At one point her and the other admin were denying membership to at least 10 to 15 people a week for not answering the questions correctly or even at all.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

As ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State

NRA Life Member
Posts: 2668 | Location: Central Florida, south of the mouse | Registered: March 08, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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