The New Employee Gets All The Chicks

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May 10, 2019, 01:45 PM
The New Employee Gets All The Chicks
And works for chicken feed.


It was just a normal day last summer at R and R Garage in North Carolina when a rooster randomly wandered over to the garage, and didn’t seem to have any plans to leave. The employees assumed he’d been abandoned and began feeding him leftovers from the shop fridge, but when they took a long weekend, they sort of figured he would move on to another spot.

When they all returned, though, he was still there, so they named him Earl and he’s been the shop rooster ever since.

Earl sleeps in a nearby tree at night, unless the weather is bad, and then everyone makes sure he’s safely inside for the night. Every morning, Earl eagerly greets his fellow employees as they arrive at work for the day, and he’s fallen into a daily routine around the shop that everyone has come to know and love.

“He comes running when the first guy comes in to open up for the day,” Joe Gallo, co-owner of R and R Garage, told The Dodo. “He gets his cup of scratch, then wanders the shop looking for any bugs that may be around. He gets up under all the toolboxes and workbenches looking for spiders and anything else he can find.

After his morning breakfast hunt, Earl likes to follow all of the employees around the garage and hang out with them. He definitely seems to think he’s just one of the guys working for the garage, and, at this point, he kind of is.

“He will come up in the shop and usually lay down and sleep under the car you’re working on or in a corner,” Gallo said. “He doesn't care about loud noises or people walking by. He will even sleep in front of the office door and we've tripped over him a few times.”

Earl has been “working” at the shop for so long now that he’s become a bit of a local celebrity, and everyone at the shop has wholeheartedly embraced their little feathered coworker. They’re even working on changing their logo and getting shirts made to include him, to show him that he’s officially part of the team.

“We can't believe the attention Earl is getting ... it’s the town gossip now,” Gallo said. “We do have customers that bring other friends or family to see Earl when they come pick up their vehicles.”

No one is quite sure where Earl came from or why he chose the R and R Garage to be his home, but everyone there is so glad that he did, and now definitely considers him part of their extended family.


Eeewwww, don't touch it!
Here, poke at it with this stick.
May 10, 2019, 01:51 PM
Come by and get yer Earl Changed!

They should sell swag, make more than they do wrenching LOL

Town near me is known for the chickens that roamed the area, they hung around the Post Office, Townhouse Restaurant and hilariously could be found hanging outside of the old Popeyes restaurant.

The image was taken right by the drive through menu sign.

My hound just loves to stick her head out the window on the Post office run and look at them sitting in the shrubs. For a long time one had taken up court on the front porch of the USPO.
May 10, 2019, 01:51 PM
Rock on Earl!

Chickens have personalities and are smarter than most think.
May 10, 2019, 01:51 PM
Cool story! I was kinda wondering if there might somehow be some updated pics of Toucan Girl..Eek
May 10, 2019, 01:57 PM
My first place I bought, someone across the road from me owned 3 big roosters and man did they drive me nuts at first but I soon got used to them and would find it odd when I didn't hear them.

I swear to God they would try to outdo each other with the cock-a-doodle doos!

Roster #1: (loud) COCK A DOODLE DOO!

Roster #2 Oh yeah, that's about a nice (louder) COCK A DOODLE DOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Rooster #3 Y'all Suck! Let me show you how it's done: (really loud) COCK A DOODLE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Big Grin

May 10, 2019, 02:11 PM
Love chickens.

Thank you for sharing that story.

___________________________________Sigforum - port in the fake news storm.____________Be kind to the Homeless. A lot of us are one bad decision away from there.
May 10, 2019, 04:03 PM
That's where I'd do business.

God spelled backwards is dog
May 10, 2019, 04:23 PM
Go to Key West. Very Chicken friendly.

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
May 10, 2019, 05:01 PM
Love a good story like this Smile Thanks.

Regards, Will G.
May 10, 2019, 07:11 PM
I always saw chicken as (just)food. But then my brother got a few for eggs and I was surprised at how smart and friendly they were, like any other pet.
Great story that doesn't really surprise me.
May 11, 2019, 05:30 AM
Thanks for sharing.

Wife has 6 chickens.

We are both surprised as to how friendly and smart the chickens are. They follow us around the yard, "help" us when we are doing yard projects, for the most part, stay on our property, and remember well where their home is.

Heck, they even come to the front and back door to see what we are doing when we haven't been outside for a while.
May 11, 2019, 06:35 AM
Earl is de Man!

Looking at that first photo, I was hoping you don't get too much rooster poop in your tool box.


* Diligentia Vis Celeritis *
"Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army without battle .... They conquer by strategy."
- Sun Tsu - The Art of War

"Fast is Fine, but Accuracy is Everything" - Wyatt Earp

May 11, 2019, 06:36 AM
A young couple who recently moved from the suburbs to a rural setting decided to buy a couple of chickens and a rooster. They had no plans to eat their first farm animals so they gave each a name. The rooster they name Sly.

Well Sly the rooster was a sex maniac. He ambushed everything around the yard. He snuck up and molested the chickens. Even the cat, dog, goat, and llamas were not immune to Sky's the rooster's amorous ambushes.

This went on for about two weeks. Then one day coming home from their day jobs in the city they discovered Sly flat on his back feet sticking straight up in the air.

The young man turns to his spouse in says "It was inevitable. He was going to screw himself to death. It looks like it happened. I'll go get a shovel and give him a proper burial before those buzzards circling overhead get to him '

Getting a shovel from the barn and a pair of gloves he goes forth to bury Sly the rooster. When he bends over to pick the rooster up, Sly opens one eye and in a quiet conspiratorial voices says " Beat it. Those buzzards are getting closer."

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
May 11, 2019, 08:11 AM
The co-owner's name, Gallo, means rooster in Spanish. Cool

Two roosters in that coop.


"OP is a troll" - Flashlightboy, 12/18/20
May 12, 2019, 11:59 PM

Post more photos of Earl. The groupies are getting restless..... Smile

And, we need Earl swag: Tee shirts, watch fobs, coffee cups, baseball hats, ball point pens.

Earl is de Man! (unless Para were to swoop down on him)

* Diligentia Vis Celeritis *
"Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army without battle .... They conquer by strategy."
- Sun Tsu - The Art of War

"Fast is Fine, but Accuracy is Everything" - Wyatt Earp