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I believe in the principle of Due Process ![]() |
Townhall.com Kurt Schlichter July 24, 2017 Trump must eventually fire Robert Mueller, a partisan tool carrying water for his Establishment pals as he oversees an utterly corrupt “investigation” where the only person we actually know committed any wrongdoing is his bestest buddy Jim Comey. But Trump can’t just lash out and do it, though it is well within his political and moral right to do so. No, he’s got to do it cleverly, with cunning, in a way that shows the American people exactly why Mueller’s witch hunt is a flaming dumpster fire of conflicts of interest and contempt for the right of normal Americans to have a say in their own governance. Trump has to set the stage before he pulls the trigger and puts the coup de grace into the temple of this appalling fiasco. He has to do it so the American people will see and understand why ending this idiocy is so absolutely necessary to preserve our Republic despite the mainstream media’s best effort to hide the truth. Trump needs to seize the initiative from Leaky Bob. You know, I keep hearing how Mueller was this squared-away Marine officer, but through these incessant leaks his organization demonstrates a complete lack of both integrity and discipline. Mueller seems unwilling or unable to exercise any kind of leadership over his team of Hillary donors, or to instill a culture of seriousness and impartiality. The continuing misconduct of his out-of-control, ever-expanding fiefdom demonstrates that he must be relieved of command. And here’s the letter the president should send to him to set the stage to do it. Robert Mueller Special Counsel United States Department of Justice Dear Mr. Mueller: I write in my capacity as the President, and to you in your capacity as a subordinate executive branch officer. [This is where the president clarifies who works for whom – and whom the American people elected. Hint: It wasn’t the Menschian Suddenly-Aware-That-Russia-Is-Bad Gang.] You were appointed to investigate the baseless and politically motivated claims of collusion with Russia. While I am frustrated at the partisan innuendo and improper leaks, I respect this process. Yet these false claims have interfered with my administration’s ability to deliver on the promises I made to the tens of millions of Americans who voted for me last November. [This is where the President makes clear that he will not let these bogus charges derail the policies the American people voted for. You establishment creeps want to go back to business as usual? Win an election. Your coup fantasies? Not happening.] It is important for me to tell you and the American people, who will read this letter since I intend to make it public, that nothing here seeks to impugn your integrity. You served your country honorably as a Marine overseas and in various roles at home. [Of course, Trump must tweet out this letter, and it must be distributed far and wide by the skillful and smooth Anthony Scaramucci so that voters can read it themselves and not have to rely on the CNN/NYT/MSNBC/WaPo Lie Machine’s spin.] But several troubling matters related to your investigation have arisen, so I am directing you to provide me a written explanation regarding the following matters no later than noon three days hence. I intend to release your response to the public, which must have full confidence in your investigation if it is to put to rest these baseless allegations. [Shift the paradigm! Mr. President, this guy works for you. He owes you – and the American people – an explanation!] 1. 28 CFR 45.2 (”Disqualification arising from personal or political relationship”) bars participation in any investigation involving a personal friend. You are a long-time, close personal friend and mentor of James Comey. He is the source of allegations against me that leaks from your team that indicate that you are investigating. Please explain why you contend that 28 C.F.R. 45.2 does not apply to you based upon your close personal friendship with Mr. Comey. Please explain how your close friendship with this accuser will not undermine the American people’s confidence in the impartiality and fairness of your investigation. [I was just discussing with one of my very, very prominent lawyer buddies how this whole thing stinks and would never be tolerated in the normal legal world. Any American is going to understand that you don’t appoint the pal of the “victim” to investigate the “crime.”] 2. Federal Election Commission filings show the political donations made by your staff, including donations of the maximum amount allowed by law, are overwhelmingly directed toward the Democratic Party. [Insert here a list of them and their Hillary payoffs so the people can see just how outrageous this really is.] Please explain why 28 C.F.R. 45.2 does not apply to your staff based on their demonstrated partisan preference for liberal Democrats who oppose my administration. Please explain how it happens that none of your staff appears to have primarily donated to Republicans – nor any of them to my candidacy despite the fact about 45% of American voters voted for me. [Seriously. What the hell? The American people need to hear loudly and clearly that Mueller is picking members of the Felonia von Pantsuit fraternity for his metastasizing mob – and they’ll ask “Why?” Mueller cannot give a good explanation because there isn’t one.] 3. On June 14, 2017, the news media reported a leak from inside your investigation to the effect that I was personally the subject of an investigation for “obstruction of justice.” This leak was widely perceived as a bureaucratic maneuver designed to prevent me from exercising my prerogative under the Constitution of relieving you, a subordinate executive branch officer, of your duties. Recently, there were leaks about you unilaterally further expanding the probe beyond the bogus Russian collusion claims to my personal financial matters from a decade ago. Fairly or not, these shameful betrayals of your confidence by members of your team (assuming the media is accurate, which is questionable) portray you as using the kind of tactics that resulted in my mandate to “drain the swamp.” And these endless leaks are especially troubling in light of Mr. Comey’s admission that he leaked information to manipulate the special counsel process, while hiding from the American people the fact that I was never under investigation for collusion with Russia. [Time to remind people that Mueller is not leading a group of dedicated professionals pursuing the truth but a liberal agenda-driven, undisciplined band of Hillary hacks who are just another set of Washington insiders playing the same old political games.] If these leaks are accurate, please explain the steps you are taking to identify who on your team violated your trust and the trust of the American people. If the leaks are not true, please unequivocally state that fact. Please also explain the steps you are taking to ensure that your staff will act professionally and with integrity in the future in order to regain the American people’s confidence in the impartiality and fairness of your investigation. [Boom. Put it back on Mr. Integrity™ to explain what he plans to do to restore some professionalism to the circle of jerks that is his team.] This matter must be resolved quickly and completely, in a manner which all Americans see as absolutely impartial and fair. I am directing your public response to this letter both in fairness to you, because you deserve a chance to answer these concerns, and for the American people, who have questions that require answers. [So you wanna play this out in the media? Okay. Except now you can’t do it from in hiding using whispers and lies. Time to stand up and be held accountable instead of talking smack via cowardly gossip through friendly liberal media catamites.] And the American people deserve those answers soon, because they deserve an executive branch that can devote its full efforts to the agenda the people voted for. I am confident you share my determination that this not become another endless, expensive, and ultimately meaningless exercise in Washington gamesmanship. Accordingly, unless additional time, not to exceed 30 days, is granted upon a showing of good cause, I direct you to present your written findings by October 31, 2017. At that point, your appointment as Special Counsel will expire and any remaining matters requiring further investigation will continue to be investigated via normal Department of Justice investigatory channels. [Set a fuse and light it. This charade cannot go on endlessly, so don’t let it.] Donald J. Trump President of the United States [A useful reminder that he is the duly-elected President, and all the haters, liberal liars, and media hacks are not.] Mueller has to go, sooner or later, but the President must first set the stage and make sure the American people understand exactly how much of an utter scam this whole thing is before he acts. Impeachment – the ultimate goal of Mueller/Comey and their liberal establishment string-pullers – is a political act. To pull off their unbelievably dangerous and destructive coup, the establishment needs to get a bunch of Republicans and the House and Senate to go along. Some of the RINOs are itching to, but they are cowards and they can be controlled by fear of voter backlash. By appealing to the people and making his case to them, the President will ensure that the people will tell their elected representatives, “Oh, hell no.” And the coup will sputter then peter out in pathetic failure, much like a Fredocon watching Cinemax at midnight without his Viagra. Sad! But Trump can’t act before he makes the case. Sure, the media will empty its bowels in horror at this letter and scream about “intimidation” and “interference,” but normal people will read it and ask “Yeah, why is this guy investigating claims made by his friend? That sounds unfair. And how come Mueller is appointing all Democrat Hillarybots? That’s not right.” So, when Mueller refuses to follow the reasonable order of his elected superior to explain his outrageous conflicts of interest, Trump will be able to toss him and his band of hacks into the Schumer can. Yeah, the media will melt down, but normal Americans will shrug, and Trump will continue doing the job we elected him to do. Link Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me. When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown | ||
Ammoholic |
Dunno if it would work, but I like it. Not sure the Maestro doesn't have his own plan. Either way, it would be nice to see a stake through the heart of this nonsense. | |||
Baroque Bloke![]() |
Oh, man! That was GOOD! I hope President Trump does exactly that. Serious about crackers | |||
Unapologetic Old School Curmudgeon ![]() |
I don't think he should be playing any games at all. Who cares what everyone thinks? Trump should just shut it all down, issue a huge middle finger to them all, hand out pardons all around and move on and watch the heads just explode. Fuck these people and their corrupt game. He needs to just shut it down with a sledge hammer. If he doesn't want to do that, he should begin about 1000 special prosecutors to look into all manner of governmental shit, just unleash a tidal wave of investigations into every member of congress for anything at all they can find. When they all cry, then shut them all down, including his. Don't weep for the stupid, or you will be crying all day | |||
Leave the gun. Take the cannoli. |
Key word is SMART | |||
wishing we were congress |
I agree picking Mueller, actually picking anyone, was a dumb idea. But especially Mueller. Not getting any help from Paul Ryan: http://nypost.com/2017/07/24/p...r-amid-russia-probe/ House Speaker Paul Ryan on Monday defended special counsel Robert Mueller, who’s spearheading the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, saying he’s “anything but” a partisan Democrat. “I don’t think many people are saying Bob Mueller is a biased partisan. He’s really, sort of, anything but,” Ryan told a Wisconsin-based radio show. Ryan said he believes Mueller, who is looking into Russian meddling in the election and any connection to the Trump campaign, “de-politicizes this stuff.” *********** thanks Ryan. for nothing. | |||
Member![]() |
There definitely are Republicans that are complicit in this coup. The one that surprised me is Trey Gowdy. | |||
Member![]() |
Mueller's so non-partisan that his law firm made 99% of their political contributions to Democrats. He's so non-partisan that he picked a DNC All-star line-up of political hacks as lawyers for his special counsel team. Ryan isn't that naive.
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Member |
Et tu, Brute'? Paul Ryan became untrustworthy from the moment he said he could not support Trump. He changed his tune only when evident Trump was going to win. | |||
Member |
What did Trey Gowdy do or say about this? I guess I missed this. _________________________ | |||
Member![]() |
Anytime a politician says some guy is really good, sets my radar to looking for BS. "Hold my beer.....Watch this". | |||
Member![]() |
The Fox News anchor served Gowdy up a fat softball question on Trump Jr that was easy to slam out of the park. Gowdy took the strike, looking, while he built a monument to Mueller. | |||
Member |
Trump could have a video of Mueller going on a chain saw massacre rampage and it wouldn't matter to the left. No matter how or why he fires Mueller , Trump will be the bad guy. No one's life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session.- Mark Twain | |||
Knows too little about too much ![]() |
Everyone fucking one of them should be voted out of office at the first opportunity. They are all snakes regardless of the side of the aisle they occupy. I make a pledge here and now that I will never again vote for an incumbent congressional candidate. The only term limit we have access to is the voting booth. We need to utilize that every chance we get. RMD TL Davis: “The Second Amendment is special, not because it protects guns, but because its violation signals a government with the intention to oppress its people…” Remember: After the first one, the rest are free. | |||
A Grateful American![]() |
^^^ "We the People..." C'mon all you We-ons. "the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" ✡ Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב! | |||
Brass Pounder![]() |
The Democrats will never forgive Trump for besting their beloved Hillary. The Republican establishment will never forgive him for making them look like fools. Both sides of the aisle are looking to take him down, and Mueller is their chosen vehicle to do just that. | |||
Essayons![]() |
And cut off your nose to spite your face while you're at it. It just isn't that simple. Thanks, Sap | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
September 4, 2017 Robert Mueller and the Sorcerer’s Apprentice Did President Trump have a right to be annoyed with Jeff Sessions for recusing himself? A plausible case can be made that Sessions didn’t have to do it, but then there’s an equally plausible case that he did. The real grounds for criticizing Sessions lie elsewhere: once he decided that he would need to recuse himself, Sessions had a duty to make sure that a replacement was on hand who was up to the task that Sessions had sidestepped. That he did not do. Rod Rosenstein has made one grievous mistake after another, with no end in sight. Rosenstein’s most important error was the complete incoherence of his statement of the scope of the investigation in his order of May 17 appointing Robert Mueller as Special Counsel: “…any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” Here he specified no particular actor (there are scores that this might refer to) nor particular actions, times or places, nor even crimes, because “links” and “coordination” are not in themselves criminal. Think about what Special Counsel was being asked to do. Absent any specific allegations, he would need to do something akin to proving a negative. Proving that a specific event actually happened is possible because the details of that event tell us where to look, but proving that something never happened is impossible because it could have happened at any time or place and by action of any person. We could never exhaust all the possibilities. Similarly, for Special Counsel to reach the conclusion that no coordination ever took place is a logical impossibility: it would require that he retroactively monitor every moment of the life of every person involved in the Trump campaign, and that he seize every conceivable record of all such people. If he only asked for phone records, he would miss evidence in emails, but if he also asked for emails, he would miss evidence in written correspondence. And if he asked only for all of these, he would miss what diaries can tell him. And then there are text messages… But even all of this would not be enough: he would need to look into what other people’s records might tell him about each person’s activities. (But which other people? How many?) Mueller would have to do this for every single one of Trump’s campaign staff. But since he can’t cite any criminal act, he has no legal grounds to get any of this evidence. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 28, Section 600, provides that Special Counsel shall have no special powers but only those of any other U.S. Attorney, and that he must follow all rules and regulations of the Justice Department. Like every other U.S. Attorney, he’d have to show why he needs records, and having no alleged crime to base his request on, he can’t. To get anything at all he’d have to proceed unethically and in violation of the law. There is a now well-known Special Counsel tactic: focus on a person who has been close to the president, seize all his records, then look for any infraction whatsoever that will give you the chance to squeeze him by offering immunity in exchange for something that will damage the president. That seems to be what Mueller is doing: he has managed to persuade a gullible judge that, contrary to the explicit provisions of Section 600, the mystique of a Special Counsel’s investigation gives him the power to seize large quantities of evidence from Paul Manafort without evidence of a crime. Let’s be clear about this: it amounts to trying to find out whether at some moment or other on some day or other and in some place or other Manafort just might have committed some crime or other. The U.S. Constitution protects us all from unreasonable searches and seizures, and this is the ultimate unreasonable search. Seeing this, Rosenstein ought to have intervened to stop this ugly behavior. But how can he? The charge he gave Mueller virtually leaves him no alternative. Under the currently operative rules, a Special Counsel is not completely independent: he has a supervisor, the acting attorney general. But Rosenstein either can’t or won’t supervise Mueller. Many have pointed out that Mueller’s appointees include large numbers of prominent donors to the Clinton campaign, with none on the other side. Rosenstein should long since have told Mueller to stop doing this, both because it’s unfair and because it has undermined public confidence in his investigation. More important still, his appointees have the most flagrant conflicts of interest. Take simply one case, that of Jeannie Rhee: Rhee worked for the Clinton Foundation, but she was also Hillary Clinton’s personal lawyer in the matter of her emails. Mueller saw no problem in hiring her as one of his senior staff. Yet the hacking of DNC emails allegedly by the Russians is at the very center of Muller’s investigation, and Rhee has direct prior partisan involvement precisely there, where it matters most. She doesn’t just have a conflict -- she has the worst possible conflict of interest. Rosenstein should have told Mueller to get rid of Rhee immediately, and to make sure that none of his staff are conflicted. But he does nothing It’s fair to ask at this point: what does this episode tell us about Mueller’s fitness for the position to which he has been appointed? If he didn’t notice this and other similar conflicts, he is incompetent. But if he knew about them and still wanted such people on his team, then he must be a ruthless partisan, and a man completely lacking in integrity. An investigation of this kind looks above all for corruption in government. Haven’t we already found it in these people being hired by this Special Counsel? Many other circumstances surrounding the Mueller appointment throw doubt on Rosenstein’s ability to do the job Sessions left to him. In his June 8 testimony James Comey said that he leaked a memo about his conversation with President Trump in order to whip up public pressure for the appointment of a Special Counsel. In essence, he freely admitted that he was trying to stampede Rosenstein into a hasty, ill-considered action -- and he succeeded. Rosenstein allowed himself to be manipulated, and the utter incoherence of his order is the measure of how ill-considered his action was. Worse still, Comey publicly humiliated Rosenstein by explaining just how he had played him: now everyone knew that an investigation of extraordinary national importance had been initiated by sleazy and devious behavior on Comey’s part. The onus was now on Rosenstein to repair the damage done by his failure to understand how he was manipulated. He did nothing. Yet another problem created by Rosenstein’s panicked action was his choice of Mueller to head the investigation. Since Comey’s firing was an important part of the whole affair, Mueller’s notoriously close personal and professional relationship with Comey should have ruled him out. But by the time that Comey (in his June 8 testimony) revealed the full depth of his antagonism to the President, that point had become much stronger. Mueller’s credibility had by then completely evaporated. But Rosenstein still did nothing. Now at last it has come to light that the hacking and dissemination of the DNC emails was done not by the Russians (as Obama’s intelligence chiefs falsely assured us with such smug confidence) but by a DNC insider. This new revelation removes the only factual basis that has ever existed for the Mueller investigation. And still, Rosenstein does nothing. When he recused himself, Attorney General Sessions had a duty to ensure that the person who would stand in for him was up to the job. Clearly, Rosenstein was not. He has seemed like the sorcerer’s apprentice, who couldn’t resist exercising his master’s powers, but didn’t really understand what he was setting in motion. As things have got more and more out of control, he has seemed powerless to stop them. It’s time for the boss to return and boot the apprentice out of his study. John M Ellis is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Santa Cruz. http://www.americanthinker.com...rers_apprentice.html "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
His diet consists of black coffee, and sarcasm. ![]() |
I don't disagree on very broad strokes or general principles, but he would be hated by the left no matter how he did it. He could fast-rope down from Marine One and rescue a kitten from the Houston flood waters and the haters would just say he's grandstanding. There is no reasoning or negotiating - despite his negotiation skills - with them. Just do it. | |||
186,000 miles per second. It's the law. |
Pardons likely will not work. Meuller is already involving the NY AG to cover this possibility, and POTUS can only pardon Federal cases. Also, you cant take the fifth after you accept a pardon. Trump will have to just get rid of Mueller somehow. | |||
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