Florida Dem admits lying about treating Pulse shooting victims

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July 21, 2019, 07:48 AM
Pipe Smoker
Florida Dem admits lying about treating Pulse shooting victims
As an aside, I’m glad to see the good old word “queer” being used in its original sense. First time that I’ve seen that in a news article in a long time.

“A queer Democratic politician who claimed to have treated Pulse nightclub shooting victims admitted to Florida officials that she lied about her service.

Elizabeth McCarthy told the Florida Department of Health that she had fabricated claims that she was a cardiologist who had treated victims of the mass shooting on the LGBT destination.

'I lied. It is a false statement. I just made it up,' McCarthy said, according to an affidavit released Wednesday by the Florida Department of Health and obtained by Florida Politics.

The department charged her with violating state law under the unlicensed activity statutes…”

Serious about crackers
July 21, 2019, 08:01 AM
That is stolen valor. You can bet that there are a bunch of medical providers from the first guys on scene to the discharging nurse, that busted their ass to help those folks, and along comes this liar.

Keep your rotor in the green
The aircraft in trim
Your time over target short
Make it count
July 21, 2019, 08:02 AM
Florida politics!

Did she really not think someone would check?
July 21, 2019, 09:14 AM
senza nome
As a Democrat, she's entitled for her lies to be excused!
July 21, 2019, 09:17 AM
But...but...I self-identified as a (self-)trained cardiologist!
July 21, 2019, 09:22 AM
'I personally removed 77 bullets from 32 people. It was like an assembly line'


July 21, 2019, 09:35 AM
Voting carries some responsibility that has been taken for granted so long that it was lost.
Today's young voters look at it like it's a game.
July 21, 2019, 09:40 AM
Il Cattivo
She was just trying to protect children from GUNS!
July 21, 2019, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by Pipe Smoker:
As an aside, I’m glad to see the good old word “queer” being used in its original sense. First time that I’ve seen that in a news article in a long time.

Eh? There's nothing queer about a leftist Democrat making stuff up. They do that all the time. What's queer is when a Democrat tells the truth.

E.g.: What's queer is Tulsi Gabbard. Doubly-so because she's from Hawaii, which is a hotbed of leftism. What's not queer is pretty much the rest of the 2020 Democrat hopefuls.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
July 21, 2019, 08:25 PM
'I personally removed 77 bullets from 32 people. It was like an assembly line'

Or a scene from M*A*S*H. Too much TV?

July 21, 2019, 09:06 PM
She also claims she was the first woman on the moon. Big Grin
July 21, 2019, 09:27 PM
It sickens me when the crooked left gets caught openly lying and aren’t vilified by Democrats. It really lets you know that all they care about is winning at any cost, integrity be damned. It also speaks volumes about the decreasing moral fiber in this country.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
July 21, 2019, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by alreadydead:
That is stolen valor. You can bet that there are a bunch of medical providers from the first guys on scene to the discharging nurse, that busted their ass to help those folks, and along comes this liar.

It's worse than that. She was testifying to advance the cause of the gun control movement. Stolen valor dilutes the honor of heroes. Stolen liberty enslaves us all. She is scum. She did her damage.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
July 21, 2019, 10:31 PM
She was there before Brian Williams was there.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
July 22, 2019, 05:28 AM
Originally posted by 12131:
'I personally removed 77 bullets from 32 people. It was like an assembly line'

That's the lie of a genius who learns from TV and the movies. Big Grin Because that's what you do when you get shot, "we've got to get the bullet out". lmao

(As a thread drift, that's always made me laugh. Writers using what they "know" even though they don't know why. Like news writers using words even though they don't really apply. (like "arsenal")
Way back, you probably had to "get the bullet out" just so there'd be SOME chance of you not dying of infection. Those days are long gone. But hollywood writers are still going with what they know (what THEY learned from TV/movies) and the first thing you hear when someone is shot it "we've got to get that bullet out." lmao )

Sliced bread, the greatest thing since the 1911.

July 22, 2019, 07:00 AM
I don't understand how people in the public eye think they can get away with outlandish claims that are demonstrably untrue.
July 22, 2019, 11:41 AM
John Steed
Originally posted by MNSIG:
I don't understand how people in the public eye think they can get away with outlandish claims that are demonstrably untrue.
She thinks she's Hillary Clinton.

... stirred anti-clockwise.
July 22, 2019, 11:49 AM
Doc H.
This. They really don't think it matters.

"It is really sad that this has become such a big deal," she said, according to Orlando's News 13.

"And gentlemen in England now abed, shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's Day"
July 22, 2019, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by MNSIG:
I don't understand how people in the public eye think they can get away with outlandish claims that are demonstrably untrue.

Because it's a mental disorder.


July 22, 2019, 12:29 PM
She must have been a pretty stupid nurse too. Most people in medicine would know that 99% of the time a surgeon and not a cardiologist would be removing bullets from trauma patients. The only scenario I can think of is if a bullet would embolize into a blood vessel and need the cathlab to retrieve it. The chances of 77 bullets embolizing is statistically not possible.

Use thumb-size bullets to create fist-size holes.