HELP Binoculars...Quality vs. Cost

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March 10, 2019, 02:56 PM
HELP Binoculars...Quality vs. Cost
I don’t have a particular reccomendation but want to pass along something I learned several years ago in one of my biophysic classes.

Due to the geometry of the human eye the best lens size for gathering the available light is one that is 5 times the magnifying power of the glass.
So for instance if you want an 8x binocular the most effective ones will have a 40 mm objective lense. Any larger is of no benefit and any less is not able to gather all the available light..


Our Founding Fathers were men who understood that the right thing is not necessarily the written thing. -kkina
March 10, 2019, 04:42 PM
Pipe Smoker
Re: “Any larger is of no benefit”

It would benefit folks whose pupils are larger than the 5mm average.

And would have a minor benefit for folks with an average size pupil. Specifically, the binocular exit pupil wouldn’t have to be exactly centered on the eye pupil to get full brightness.

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