"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe "If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
I don’t know that anyone is intimidated by the protesters. More that the biased judicial system will punish drivers for going/forcing their way through blockades.
Idiots. What kind of moron sits down in front of a moving bus that obviously is not going to stop? Eventually somebody will get run over and maybe they'll stop these stupid shenanigans.
Originally posted by bcereuss: I don’t know that anyone is intimidated by the protesters. More that the biased judicial system will punish drivers for going/forcing their way through blockades.
While I agree about the biased judicial system, I still think it took a lot of confidence and steel nerves on the part of the driver to proceed as he did with that mass of people directly in the path of his bus. Even absent judicial bias, I'm pretty sure I would not have been able to handle that the way he did.
Originally posted by Schmelby: Idiots. What kind of moron sits down in front of a moving bus that obviously is not going to stop? Eventually somebody will get run over and maybe they'll stop these stupid shenanigans.
Well if they were really committed to their cause they would have stayed in place. So obviously by moving they demonstrated that they did not really believe they were saving the world.
Calgary Shooting Centre
Posts: 1525 | Location: Alberta | Registered: July 06, 2004
one wonders what mode of transportation the idiots used to get to the bridge... ironically, by bus?
"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy "A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book
Posts: 13408 | Location: In the gilded cage | Registered: December 09, 2007
Originally posted by bcereuss: I don’t know that anyone is intimidated by the protesters. More that the biased judicial system will punish drivers for going/forcing their way through blockades.
Well, if you're going to be punished anyway you may as weel give her a bit more gas.
It has happened before where protesters were blocking traffic and got turned into road pizza. It happened at least once in Minneapolis during or shortly after the Georgie Boy riots. Some folks turned down a street only to find it was blocked off by the peaceful protesters who quickly surrounded their vehicle and started pounding on it. The driver understandably panicked and just floored it to escape and seriously hurt several of the idiots.
I don't recall the outcome in terms of punishment if any for the driver. I could be wrong but I thought it has been law forever that you could not actively block or impede traffic for any reason other than if you are law enforcement.
"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
Posts: 8763 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: June 17, 2007
When they’re convinced they’ll be run over, they stand back up. When they are standing, they can be pushed out of the way or moved down the road. Vehicles need cow catchers like 19th century steam locomotives.
You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
Posts: 30228 | Location: Norris Lake, TN | Registered: May 07, 2008
I don’t have an issue with protestors. Stand on the side of the road and wave your banners. But block a public roadway and you should expect to get run over.
Zero sympathy for anyone blocking a roadway or train tracks. Easy solution is to neutralize the obstacle and it won’t happen again.