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People That Get Offended When You Pass Them Login/Join 
Picture of JR78
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They even eye fuck me when I pass them in a patrol car.

Men who carry guns for a living do not seek reward outside of the guild. The most cherished gift is a nod from his peers.
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Down the Rabbit Hole
Picture of Jupiter
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Originally posted by tatortodd:

A bigger passing frustration for me are the people who grew up in the city and only know how to tailgate.

Same here. I routinely see a line of cars in the fast lane, each one on the other's Ass going 75+ with zero margin for error.

Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
-- George Orwell

Posts: 5048 | Location: North Mississippi | Registered: August 09, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of cparktd
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Then there is the guy who thinks he is entitled to your place in the traffic flow.

Crowed interstate, fast lane moving at about 55. other lanes full and slower. Guy rides my ass for miles, weaving back and forth, flashing lights. Roll Eyes Apparently he wants my spot in the traffic flow... I should move out of his way... Sorry dude you are no more important than me and I was here first. Just where the fuck you gonna go? There is a line of traffic as far ahead as you can see, at least two miles.

55 mph is 80 feet per second... is gaining one second really worth the stress and making an ass out of your self? Or do you think you can bully every car in a two mile line into moving out of your way?

Then there are those who ride your ass when they clearly have a chance to pass and won't.

10 miles to town, two lane rural road. I usually drive 5 to 10 over the speed limit. Someone catches up to me... Not a lot of places to pass, they ride my ass. I will move to the far right of the road and slightly slow when a passing zone is coming up... do they pass? No. they would rather ride my ass all the way to town. Roll Eyes

Collecting dust.
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Fire begets Fire
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This is wut 3rd gear is for … lol Razz

"Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay - and claims a halo for his dishonesty."
~Robert A. Heinlein
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I Deal In Lead
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Originally posted by Jupiter:
Originally posted by tatortodd:

A bigger passing frustration for me are the people who grew up in the city and only know how to tailgate.

Same here. I routinely see a line of cars in the fast lane, each one on the other's Ass going 75+ with zero margin for error.

Don't they teach about safe following distances in driver training any more?
Posts: 10626 | Location: Gilbert Arizona | Registered: March 21, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of V-Tail
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Originally posted by cparktd:

Then there is the guy who thinks he is entitled to your place in the traffic flow.

Crowed interstate, fast lane moving at about 55. other lanes full and slower. Guy rides my ass for miles, weaving back and forth, flashing lights. Roll Eyes Apparently he wants my spot in the traffic flow... I should move out of his way.
It was around 1993, give or take a year. I was working (contract) for a company that specialized in training for UNIX© related software. Friday afternoon, I had just finished teaching a one-week course in Jacksonville FL, and was on my way home to the Orlando area.

I had never heard of BCR (Black College Reunion) at the time, but this was the Friday that was at the beginning of that event in Daytona, so there was a fair bit of traffic heading for Daytona.

I was in the right-most lane of I-95, cruise control set right at the speed limit (70 mph), and a yellow Mustang convertible comes up behind me, traveling at a high rate of velocity. Blowing horn, flashing headlights, moving left and right within the lane. Sorry dude, I'm in the right-hand lane, traveling at the speed limit, and no, I have no intention of speeding up just because you want to go faster. Lanes to my left are traveling faster than 70, and they are packed.

Mustang passes me on the right shoulder of the highway, probably doing 90 or so, spitting gravel from the rear wheels, college age kids evidently headed for BCR, drinking beer and waving at me (one finger wave), Mustang disappears into the distance.

Maybe 30 or 45 minutes later I'm approaching the Daytona area, where I-4 splits off to the west to take me home, and there is the yellow Mustang convertible, off to the right side of the road, upside down, surrounded by police cars and ambulances.

הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
Posts: 31955 | Location: Central Florida, Orlando area | Registered: January 03, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It is eye catching to see a line of cars drafting in the ‘Monfort Lane’, some even swerving to heat up those skins.

“Aaanndd we’re back to green flag racin’!”

Whoops here’s a Trooper!
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Down the Rabbit Hole
Picture of Jupiter
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Originally posted by Flash-LB:
Originally posted by Jupiter:
Originally posted by tatortodd:

A bigger passing frustration for me are the people who grew up in the city and only know how to tailgate.

Same here. I routinely see a line of cars in the fast lane, each one on the other's Ass going 75+ with zero margin for error.

Don't they teach about safe following distances in driver training any more?

I'm not sure the hell they teach these days. You would think a little common sense would kick in.
One instance really stands out for me. A number of years back, I was driving on a 2 lane road with lots of hills. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a young lady putting on lipstick while riding my bumper. I was driving around 50 MPH or so. Roll Eyes

Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
-- George Orwell

Posts: 5048 | Location: North Mississippi | Registered: August 09, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Prefontaine
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Originally posted by Russ59:
I chalk it up to poor driving skills and really understanding how the freeways work. Drivers take these slights personally and use their car as revenge or reactions.

Last night I'm heading north on I-15 in the number one lane of four lanes. Wide open. Just a handful of cars in four lanes of traffic. I'm cruising at 80mph and the guy ahead of me gets stuck behind a new Acura. Tailgates for a few moments before passing on the right. Acura isn't phased. I get up to the Acura and tailgate for a few seconds. I pass on the right. Then the Acura accelerates passed 80mph and tailgates me. I promptly move to the right to let the Acura pass (maybe he woke up and decided to drive faster?). No, he just drops his speed back down below 80. I watched in my rear view mirror as car after car passed this douche on the right simply because he wouldn't move out of the no. 1 lane. Idiot.

I cannot recall how many times I’ve been in the exact same situation. It’s maddening. And nothing is changing for the better. In fact, it’s just getting worse. I used to love road trips, not so much anymore. All it takes is this Acura you describe. I mean if I get lucky it just so happens around the time I was ready to stop, piss, get fuel, or eat something and there is a station, stores, whatever, close. I’ll just exit. But many times you’re on the clock one way or the other. You need to get to where you are going, or no place to stop and refuel. Or you’re local highway driving where you aren’t going to stop, etc.

What I don’t understand is why they get so pissed when you ultimately get around them. Sometimes they literally lose their got damn mind over it. It’s beautiful on the sport bikes though. There is literally nothing they can do about it. 170 HP to the back wheel and it weighs 400 lbs and change, it’s surgical. They flip you off, rocking left right forwards and back in their seat, honking the horn, like a child whose thrown the last toy out of their crib. Why? Because you safely passed them. No brake checks, no tail gating, no unsafe behavior. You simply got around them and they don’t like it at all. Happens all the time with these new people who’ve migrated here who decided to buy or build a house out in the country, in my rural twisty roads. Karen moved in and thinks she owns the whole area. Narcissism is running in the water supply.

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
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Everywhere I go all of the above is rampant within an hour drive of the metropolitan areas. “Civilization”.
Every forking corksucker speeds up as I cruise past and every driver must ride in my blind spot. The left lane cruisers are everywhere. Special.

“That’s what.” - She
Posts: 458 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: June 06, 2021Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I believe they forget it’s a passing lane, they become hypnotized, coming to when passed and are pissed because YOU made them wake up!
Posts: 5775 | Location: west 'by god' virginia | Registered: May 30, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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...Most of the time when I pass them up I can see them texting or talking on there cell.
-people do use there cell phones as a GPS device the reason for there erratic driving.

...this all leads to road rage

HK firearms Collector
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Picture of ridewv
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Originally posted by dan03833:
I hate the ones that ride your ass at 75mph then sit in your blind spot when you get the chance to move over to let them pass.

And maybe worse are the ones that come up faster than we're traveling in the passing lane, say 80 mph, overtaking me running 77 mph on cruise. Then as they get along side they slow down to...... yep 77 and there we proceed side by side. Eventually up ahead there'll likely be someone(s) driving slower, usually in the right lane, so as we approach they pass me at 77 by default as I have to slow down, which I do then pull left behind them. But there they now pace the slower car in the right lane that we're supposed to passing so I can't even re-engage cruise. After they finally overtake the slower car they speed back up to 77.

No car is as much fun to drive, as any motorcycle is to ride.
Posts: 7506 | Location: Northern WV | Registered: January 17, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by ridewv:
Originally posted by dan03833:
I hate the ones that ride your ass at 75mph then sit in your blind spot when you get the chance to move over to let them pass.

And maybe worse are the ones that come up faster than we're traveling in the passing lane, say 80 mph, overtaking me running 77 mph on cruise. Then as they get along side they slow down to...... yep 77 and there we proceed side by side. Eventually up ahead there'll likely be someone(s) driving slower, usually in the right lane, so as we approach they pass me at 77 by default as I have to slow down, which I do then pull left behind them. But there they now pace the slower car in the right lane that we're supposed to passing so I can't even re-engage cruise. After they finally overtake the slower car they speed back up to 77.

Yep. Every time anyone changes lanes the driver that was behind them races forward to ride along side. It’s everywhere but the most rural of highways.

“That’s what.” - She
Posts: 458 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: June 06, 2021Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of P250UA5
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Originally posted by Gustofer:
Originally posted by P250UA5:
Adding to it, people who blast to 10-15 over the limit in a passing zone, only to drop back to 5 under when it's 1 lane each way.

Those are the ones I have no problem passing on a double yellow.

When I had the Mercedes or the Vulcan, doable. My current Malibu, not so much.

The Enemy's gate is down.
Posts: 16556 | Location: Spring, TX | Registered: July 11, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
No ethanol!
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Surprised we haven't mentioned the drivers who cannot handle certain road conditions, yet also don't think you should either. Me thinks you all have seen these.

Here is PA we have some wonderful 2-lane mountain roads, which many people cannot drive at the limit when there is a curve ahead. Constant brake lights. Try to pass on straight.... you guessed it, drag race! How about cannot drive at night, please don't be offended if I'd prefer not to slow down by 10-15 because of oncoming lights. Then there's rainy conditions. Someone else take over please Smile

The plural of anecdote is not data. -Frank Kotsonis
Posts: 2146 | Location: Berks Co PA | Registered: December 20, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Savor the limelight
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Originally posted by preten2b:
Then there's rainy conditions. Someone else take over please Smile

Raining and coming up on vehicles running three abreast, all with their hazard lights flashing, and none willing to pass/slow down and move over for five miles. It’s rain, not snow. I’m amazed how slow people down here drive in the rain. You’d think the roads were covered in ice.
Posts: 12388 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of P250UA5
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Originally posted by trapper189:
Originally posted by preten2b:
Then there's rainy conditions. Someone else take over please Smile

Raining and coming up on vehicles running three abreast, all with their hazard lights flashing, and none willing to pass/slow down and move over for five miles. It’s rain, not snow. I’m amazed how slow people down here drive in the rain. You’d think the roads were covered in ice.

Mad Hazards in inclement weather, especially at night.
99% of the time it's due to heavy rain here in Houston. Great flashing balls of glare at night that just reduce visibility. Genius idea, turn on your lights & we can all see you just fine.

When we test drove the Expedition, we got caught in a whiteout downpour, to the extent we could barely see the silver Toyota 25 ft in front of us (who didn't have their lights one), but the people driving through the neighborhood on the test drive route sure did have their hazards on.

The Enemy's gate is down.
Posts: 16556 | Location: Spring, TX | Registered: July 11, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Savor the limelight
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The thing about the hazards that I don’t understand is that if you are really that worried that you are going to get rear ended, why are you not in the right lane out of the way?

I don’t over drive what I can see, but I move to the right. If the rain seems to be pooling on the road, I slow down and move to the right. I’m in the lead, follow, or get out of the way school of driving camp.
Posts: 12388 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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