Many of you are probably too young, but back during Vietnam news outlets would provide daily counts of servicemen killed.
And now, decades later we have the same crap but with Covid19.
No one dares compare the figures, now known to be artificially inflated, with regular Flu, cancer deaths, or even vehicle fatalities. Their emphasis is singularly focused on the virus period. Just as it was with body counts. Although today I feel the reporting is designed to instill fear whereas back then it was clothed in thinly veiled anti-war sentiment.
I try to avoid hearing or reading these daily counts of deaths, infections, hospitalization, etc., but it is damned near impossible. Hence my RANT!
Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club! USN (RET), COTEP #192
Posts: 16649 | Location: Black Hills of South Dakota | Registered: June 20, 2010
I have a local news station app installed on my phone. I get push notifications about various headlines throughout the day. In April and May, I was getting multiple notifications per day about death figures, numbers of new cases, etc. The numbers went up, and then they went down. Way down. To the point where I, and likely many others, were wondering "why is it news that 12 people died today and they think it's significant because that's the most people who've died in a day in over a month? Do I really need an alert for that on my phone?" The notifications started skipping a day, then a few, and now it's only a few times a week at best.
I think the scamdemic is just about played out. People are sick of this nonsense. It was blown waaaaay out of proportion and politicized by the left, and used to put a stranglehold on the best economy this country has ever had to hurt a President they can't stand, and it just has to go on for a few more weeks. They don't want to give up at the finish line, so until election day at least, we'll continue to get death toll counts because "Donald Trump is responsible for the death of over 200,000 Americans and climbing."
______________________________________________ Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
COVID is 90% of the local news. Daily counts and how everyone is dealing with it. An endless spiel that only serves to spread fear and disrupt lives, schools and business.
End of Earth: 2 Miles Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
Posts: 16711 | Location: Marquette MI | Registered: July 08, 2014
I'm sick of the whole Covid scam Sure it's real. But right now it is just another tool being used to hurt Trump. 200,000 deaths of what MIGHT be caused by only Covid.
COVID is 90% of the local news. Daily counts and how everyone is dealing with it. An endless spiel that only serves to spread fear and disrupt lives, schools and business.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On the Gulf Coast it has been 24/7 hurricanes. I guess it will return to COVID shortly after November. The numbers are TOTALLY meaningless and are presented without context. I do not recall the media doing that with AIDS.
Posts: 17805 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015
You can tell it’s a scam by how the metrics change. First, it was how the mortality rate was so much greater. “More deadly” than the regular flu. When that fell apart, it was hospitalizations. When that fell apart, they tried desperately to juke the stats with car wrecks and suicides. When that was exposed, now it’s “case incident rate”. Which strangely in the state where I live is like 21 percent in one major metro area. And half a percent every place else.
That’s falling apart now. They are presently ramping up “free resting” advertisements. Guess not enough people are falling for the scam these days. So, they have to advertise now.
One of our local TV stations had a breathless story tonight on how "9 people...of thousands that attended" a Trump rally in MN tested positive for Covid. Except that is actually LOWER than the national infection rate.
Posts: 1552 | Location: Arid Zone A | Registered: February 14, 2006
Many of you are probably too young, but back during Vietnam news outlets would provide daily counts of servicemen killed.
^^^^^^^^^^^^ The enemy body count was a daily obssession as well. Turns out those numbers were grossly exaggerated. Westmoreland was very focussed on these metrics, as to whether we were winning the war.
Posts: 17805 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015
I've been saying that the figures we are getting at least in Michigan are bull.... numbers.
For example, take a date like today. The state has "X" amount of new cases and reports "X" amount of deaths today. Now today, the state has reclassified several deaths that occurred at an earlier date than today as Covid related, take the reclassified deaths and add to today's numbers "because" as of today they are considered Covid deaths.
So with the daily figures "enhanced" with the number of earlier reclassified deaths you get an inflated figure, useless if you are tracking the daily death numbers as trying to get an idea if or if not the actions that are being done to limit the spread are really leading to lower death totals.
At least one of our TV stations here while including reclassified deaths in the totals also state the number of deaths added to the daily totals from earlier reclassified ones.
-------------------------------------—————— ————————--Ignorance is a powerful tool if applied at the right time, even, usually, surpassing knowledge(E.J.Potter, A.K.A. The Michigan Madman)
Posts: 8585 | Location: Livingston County Michigan USA | Registered: August 11, 2002
The latest BS: Prisoners who test positive at Marquette Branch Prison are now being added to our county numbers. Thats a group who are easily quarantined!
End of Earth: 2 Miles Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
Posts: 16711 | Location: Marquette MI | Registered: July 08, 2014
I get medically-related e-mails. I got an encouraging one today, that said recent studies have shown a reduction in deaths for patients requiring hospitalization as doctors gain more experience treating the disease. Two of my friends recently went home after spending a week in the ICU, one was in his eighties.
Posts: 2561 | Location: Central Virginia | Registered: July 20, 2015