I tried it a few weeks back, and it certainly wasn't the worst Gatorade flavor I've tried. I would not call it "excellent", but it was not bad.
But then, I enjoy the very common Mexican snack that consists of cucumber slices with lime juice squirted over them and Tajin seasoning sprinkled on top. (Pepinos con chile)
So I'm already used to the lime/cucumber combination flavor. But I can certainly see why it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.
I can tell you it tastes like SHIT. I picked up two large bottles of the stuff thinking it was just lime. I realized when I mixed it with the Miralax for the colonoscopy prep that it was lime cucumber. I was not about to go back to the store. It was simply god awful.
Posts: 17818 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015
You’re supposed to drink the Cucumber-Lime Smart Water. That has to be one of the most refreshing things I’ve had in a long time. Wish it wasn’t so damned expensive (for water).
I predict that there will be many suggestions and statements about the law made here, and some of them will be spectacularly wrong. - jhe888
Posts: 16343 | Location: Maryland, AA Co. | Registered: March 16, 2006
Yuck. We bought a variety of Gatorade when my daughter had her tonsils out. This was one of them & she was not a fan.
I begrudgingly downed them (mini-bottles luckily) after doing yard work & pouring sweat. But, I feel the same about most grape flavored drinks, especially Gatorade. Reminds me of children's chewable Tylenol.
I thought it tasted like ass the first time I tried it but it has grown on me. I grab a bottle or 2 occasionally for something different. As was mention, I like the smart water flavored better.
I tend to love any food with lime or cucumber o r both combined. There's no way, imo, to make this Gatorade flavor drinkable. It goes along with watermelon flavored stuff. Love watermelon, but hate when it's a fake tasting watermelon flavor. This flavor just tastes off and watering it down didn't help.
Posts: 2442 | Location: Usually Somewhere | Registered: July 28, 2011
Yes, cucumbers definitely have a noticeably distinct flavor.
If you don't believe me, and plain cucumber doesn't have any taste to you, an easy test is to try making cucumber water. (Made by soaking cucumber slices in water then drinking the water; it's a fairly common drink served at fancy-ish summertime gatherings.)
Then drink some of the cucumber-infused water alongside some plain water from the same water source as a control sample, and tell me you can't taste the distinct cucumber flavor.
I like to slice them and let the slices soak in a bath of vinegar and sliced jalapenos or banana peppers.
My wife soaks the slices in a salt water bath, then drains and mixes the cucumber with sour cream or yogurt (plain, un-flavored yogurt) and dill. Very tasty.
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Posts: 31956 | Location: Central Florida, Orlando area | Registered: January 03, 2010
I tend to love any food with lime or cucumber o r both combined. There's no way, imo, to make this Gatorade flavor drinkable. It goes along with watermelon flavored stuff. Love watermelon, but hate when it's a fake tasting watermelon flavor. This flavor just tastes off and watering it down didn't help.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My roommate bought a juicer some years back. He put carrots, cucucumbers, potatoes and celery in the thing and then drank it. I refused to even taste it. Yuck...
Posts: 17818 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015