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The nifty names some give their special children are not good ideas. Login/Join 
Picture of Rev. A. J. Forsyth
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Originally posted by RAMIUS:
Originally posted by .38supersig:
Okay, So I was reading the weekly arrest reports and most of the alleged perpetrators have had a lifetime of 'How do you spell that?'

It would be incredibly frustrating and demoralizing to have to go through this BS every day. Why would anyone do that to burden their own child?

Years ago a friend of mine had started giving out an alias of Sam because he thinks that people are too stupid to spell Gerald.
Figuring that the dumbest of the dumb can spell S-A-M, he says he has been proven wrong more than once.
Seemingly, 10% of the school aged kids names rhyme with Jayden.

I'm not trying to make humor from someones undeserved misery. Guess I'm just too old to keep up. Does anyone understand this line of thought?

Let’s see if we can get them all...


Don’t forget these new classics:


Don't forget Mason, Maxton, Paxton, Jaxton and the like.

It's nauseating.
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I won't say the name, but a family member just named their son... an unusual, "family name", after some Italian relative/ancestor.

And I sort of feel bad. I will use "Butch" here as an example, but it's not. It's far more off the norm than Butch.

But baby Butch is cute. Little boy Butch is cute. Teenage Butch is cute. Grown up Butch, not so much. Butch is your plumber or your garbage man, not your doctor or your lawyer.

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Jack of All Trades,
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Working in the ER, I see a lot of, "Special" names. When I work triage and check people in, it can get really annoying trying to figure some of them out. I have no idea where the trend of naming girls, "Neveah" came from, heaven spelled backwards. It's so common it's no longer special.

Then there's the parents who get pissed off when you ask for clarification of their special little crotch goblin's name. Not just the weird names but the common names with, "Special" spellings. Like Bryson, it's a little out of mainstream but when you decide to spell it, "Breysean", no I'm really not going to have a clue how to spell that based just your pronunciation.

A cousin of mine teaches middle school in North Carolina. Her class last year had 5 boys named DeShawn, all 5 spelled it differently. A name that requires punctuation in the spelling usually isn't a good thing. Neither are names that conjure up images of strippers, dead rock stars or guests on Jerry Springer.

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The Karmanator
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Almost every story about an aspiring rapper who got themselves well ventilated features a name that gives away half the story.

Trayvon is an example.

So are D'liktable, Vel'occity, Deshaw, Zulusooha, etc.

Nice is overrated

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One of the trends going on right now is giving last names as first names! I really hate seeing that. A friend has a new grandson that they named Echo Eugene! Dumb, dumb, dumb!

The name Addison was mentioned in a prior post. I have a nephew whose first name is Addison. I told my dear sister in law please don't do this to him he will have to live with it the rest of his life! So, he gets called a lot of things other than Addison, like Butch, Lunch Money (cuz my son said with a name like Addison he will get beat up for his lunch money regularly), and one his cousin came up with "Man Panties!
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Uppity Helot
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I work for a GOV agency (not LE), to say that I have seen horrible, stupid and non-sensical names bestowed upon the hapless is an understatement. Frown
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I’d like to take this opportunity to rant about my OWN name. Bret, with just one ‘t’. Not to be confused with Brett. Because the world absolutely needed two spellings for the exact same fucking name. Honestly, I don’t think my one-t version is any better or worse than the tt’s out there. I just wish there weren’t two options for the same name. It isn’t even like a homonym where you did something cute with vowels or used a consonant that sounds the same. No, us poor Brets just get a random number of the exact same consonant slapped on at the end for no obvious reason and to no discernible effect. What was the fucking point? Who was the brain dead zombie who couldn’t figure out how to pronounce ‘Brett’, but had no issue with ‘Bret’?! It makes an otherwise normal name into an unnecessary shit show.

Was the letter ‘t’ especially fragile in old printing presses, so they had to add an extra in case one broke? well too damn bad. I’ve done just fine all these years living on the edge without the safety net of an extra ‘t’. It isn’t like my mail comes in addressed to ‘Bre’ sometimes. I don’t blame my parents, but if we ever invent time machines the asshole who thought there needed to be two versions of this name better watch their fucking back.

- Bret (but you can call me Brett, since we are all friends here)
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I had an elementary school classmate whose family name was Hood. Her first name was Robin.


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I have a grandson. Dakota by birth. I started calling him Bert because I just can’t stomach the justin bieberish name he’s got. I thought i would get in trouble. My wife has started buying Bert (of Bert and Ernie) stuff for the little guy.

Sometimes I win.
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I had a coworker in San Antonio named Heidi Mycock. She did not keep her last name when she got married.
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The Unmanned Writer
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Originally posted by sadlerbw:
I’d like to take this opportunity to rant about my OWN name. Bret, with just one ‘t’. Not to be confused with Brett. Because the world absolutely needed two spellings for the exact same fucking name. Honestly, I don’t think my one-t version is any better or worse than the tt’s out there. I just wish there weren’t two options for the same name. It isn’t even like a homonym where you did something cute with vowels or used a consonant that sounds the same. No, us poor Brets just get a random number of the exact same consonant slapped on at the end for no obvious reason and to no discernible effect. What was the fucking point? Who was the brain dead zombie who couldn’t figure out how to pronounce ‘Brett’, but had no issue with ‘Bret’?! It makes an otherwise normal name into an unnecessary shit show.

Was the letter ‘t’ especially fragile in old printing presses, so they had to add an extra in case one broke? well too damn bad. I’ve done just fine all these years living on the edge without the safety net of an extra ‘t’. It isn’t like my mail comes in addressed to ‘Bre’ sometimes. I don’t blame my parents, but if we ever invent time machines the asshole who thought there needed to be two versions of this name better watch their fucking back.

- Bret (but you can call me Brett, since we are all friends here)

Is your last name Maverick?

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always with a hat or sunscreen
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Thankfully our extended family has avoided such nonsense. Closest would be:
--male named Erich (less common spelling that some asshats pronounce as Err-Rich)
--male named John Edward D(last name) referred to commonly as "Jed"
--male named Douglas James A(last name) referred to simply as "DJ"
--female named Kirsten. I refer to her as "Ms. K"

Had a friend when growing up named Llweylyn J(last name) IV (the Fourth), who was simply called "Fourthy" Smile

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Brings to mind...
Ardel, Burnel, Raynel, W.L., Lanel, Odel, Marcel, Newgene, Claude, and Clovis... Ledbetter.

Have a nephew that named his boy "Liam". After my Dad "William". Not Awful but still BS IMO. Just name the kid William if you REALLY want to name him after his Great Grandfather instead of trying to be all hip and stuff.

Collecting dust.
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Heard this advice one time, thought it to be pretty good - for couples deciding on a name for a new child -
Go to the backdoor of the house, open it and yell the name five or six (or ten) times at the top of their lungs, as if calling the child home.

If they can do that comfortably, the name has potential.

Of course these days....
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My last name has 4 letters. I'm always surprised when asked how to spell it, but the real kicker is often it is mispronounced. The one plus is when I get a phone call and the caller opens with Mr. (mispronounced last name), I know right away this is not some one I wish to talk with. Smile

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Void Where Prohibited
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The 'Police Blotter' (daily list of arrests) in the local newspaper is always filled with those special names.

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I went to high school with Penny Pigg. What the hell?
However my favorite is a frequent flyer at the county lockup. I won't give the last name, but first and middle are Atom Molecule.
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Almost as Fast as a Speeding Bullet
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Originally posted by DoubleAdobe:
However my favorite is a frequent flyer at the county lockup. I won't give the last name, but first and middle are Atom Molecule.
If he's out in the jail yard, you could honestly say "Atom Molecule is in the compound." Big Grin [/nerd]

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