Oh, darn. And I was just about to overturn a life-long prejudice against all things Apple too.
This has nothing at all to do with Apple, and everything to do with a third-party, independent person who decided on his (her?) own, to open a shop to buy, sell, maybe repair, used Apple stuff. We have a handful of similar shops in this area. Some are owned by very helpful people, some are owned by idiots. You know, kind of like a cross section of the general population.
הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
Posts: 31956 | Location: Central Florida, Orlando area | Registered: January 03, 2010
As others have said, this has not a single damn thing to do with Apple. So much overreacting and seeing demons everywhere suddenly.
However, if this idiot was dumb enough to actually use this as the name of his business, I suspect he hasn't been in business long and is about to get buried by APPL lawyers making that end ASAP. Well, unless he's selling actual apple cores that have already been chewed on.
Hell, he's actually using their logo on his page and store. That will not fly, hope he's banked a lot of reserves.
The Used Apple Store in Derry, N.H
From his webpage, he's also apparently perfected time travel, so he'll be able to go back and fix this.
Store hours for February and March are by Appointment only, while we renovate.
On August 1st, 2018 we opened the first virtual reality center in NH. We opened it right inside our store. The store has been completely remodeled to accomidate the new systems, of which we have 2. They are free to use while you have your iPhone or MacBook upgraded or fixed. It's life changing technology, so we recommend to everyone to try it out when you come in. We are currently developing 5 games which you can try out when using our VR systems. Just ask.
You only have integrity once. - imprezaguy02
Posts: 12948 | Location: Madison, MS | Registered: December 10, 2007
Stupid bastard. Your business is going to fail. Satisfied now? Or do you need to continue throwing your widdle tantrum? Sounds like mommy needs to check somebody's diaper, and somebody needs a nap.
I looked at the 2016 Presidential election results and Hillary won by less than 3000 votes. This dipshit is alienating 1/2 his potential customer base.
Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity
DISCLAIMER: These are the author's own personal views and do not represent the views of the author's employer.
Posts: 24230 | Location: Northern Suburbs of Houston | Registered: November 14, 2005
He's attracted the attention by some stunts and became involved in some legal issues that still haven't been concluded.
This isn’t the first time an internet post toting controversial practices has called attention to The Used Apple Store. A few years ago, Williams asked customers to bring in cash, up to $1,000, and promised to double it and return it to them in 90 days with no risk — in effect, selling a security according to the New Hampshire Bureau of Security Regulation.
In November 2016, Williams was ordered by the bureau to pay $5,000 in fines and administrative fees and an additional $713.50 to cover the cost of the bureau’s investigation.
In a post that has since been deleted on the company’s website, Williams announced that there would be “a 5% NH Resident Securities Regulation fee....This keeps our operating cost at $0 and only the state of New Hampshire is requiring the fee.”
Customers from out of the state were spared the additional cost.
State officials responded by clarifying that they were not imposing the fee on customers, but rather that Williams was seeking the price increase.
Barry Glennon, director of the New Hampshire Bureau of Securities Regulations, said Tuesday that “(Williams) continues to have financial obligations that we continue to monitor.”
On Tuesday, Williams expressed frustration about the investigation, as well as how the case was covered in the media. He said the media is biased, and that it is entirely owned by 8,100 bankers who control the stock market.
Let's see how far he gets with this...
The Used Apple Store is expected to open a kiosk soon at the Mall of New Hampshire outside of the Apple Store.
Originally posted by tatortodd: I looked at the 2016 Presidential election results and Hillary won by less than 3000 votes. This dipshit is alienating 1/2 his potential customer base.
I lived in Rockingham country where Derry is located. It's the southern most county bordering Massachusetts yet it's the most conservative/republican voting county in the state and is closer to 70/30 than it is to 50/50 so he'll definitely take a hit.
It appears to be a situation where a shopowner with a history of disreputable dealings, whose business is in a place with mostly democrats and few republicans to alienate, has launched a scheme to fleece fools by trying to make them think they’re making a political statement against republicans. Meh, stupid people have always been suckered. What else is new in the world?
Posts: 6983 | Location: Maui | Registered: December 15, 1999
I wasn't going to comment on this but, couldn't resist. This guy sounds like the chief moron of the moron clan. It would not surprise me if Apple didn't pull his certification and/or franchise if he has one. His pic seems to depict a person who is a loser all the way around.
SigP229R Harry Callahan "A man has got to know his limitations". Teddy Roosevelt "Talk soft carry a big stick" I Cor10: 13 "1611KJV"
He is not certified and Apple does not franchise. He’s using Apple’s logo, has now made himself very visible, and is about to get slapped in the dick by Apple’s lawyers.
Demand not that events should happen as you wish; but wish them to happen as they do happen, and you will go on well. -Epictetus
Posts: 8292 | Location: Utah | Registered: December 18, 2008