Originally posted by bigeinkcmo: This is exactly what is wrong with our damn country right now. My sis sends me a cute picture of her 9 month old kid on Santa's lap in WI but in Colorado we couldn't do our annual outdoor, downtown lighting with Santa that's been going on even before H1N1. The same virus that put my kid in Children's hospital for 3 days and she almost died! The same H1N1 I got and nearly took me out since there was no Tamiflu for me and I got the pleasure of riding out a week long fever at >103.
And nobody gave a rat's ass about me or my family.
Tamiflu is limited because of government regulation. It contains chemicals that can be altered to make drugs. The government requires pharmacies to pre-plan the amount they will need for a year, and that is their rationed limit for a year, broken down monthly. If there is a flu epidemic, tough shit. Your limit is your limit.
Your tax dollars at work!
Posts: 17376 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: October 15, 2006