Dad Crichton on the left weighed in at the vet's at 114 pounds. Son D'Argo on the right tipped the scales at 159!!!
He is on a diet. He is not happy.
Be careful when following the masses. Sometimes the M is silent.
April 17, 2024, 07:35 PM
Lovely family!
April 18, 2024, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by h2oys: Lovely family!
Thanks! The kids are cute too...
Be careful when following the masses. Sometimes the M is silent.
April 19, 2024, 12:26 PM
April 19, 2024, 06:07 PM
April 19, 2024, 07:31 PM
He is on a diet. He is not happy.
Poor guy...I know how he feels .
We took the Moose to Florida this past week. 14 hours in the car both ways, and he did great. Just laid on the kid's laps and slept most of the way. He did chew through his leash on the way home, though.
He ran a couple of miles with me in the park every morning, and got to walk in a bunch of new and interesting places. We even got him out to a dog beach. He'd never been swimming before, and actually kind of liked it at first, until a wave got him right in the face and picked up up off the ground. After that he was over it and tried to climb up my leg. It was fun while it lasted, though. I'm looking forward to seeing how he does on the boat and swimming in the lake this summer.
May 01, 2024, 10:43 AM
He just keeps growing....6 months makes a big difference! Still a lapdog, though lol.
May 01, 2024, 12:40 PM
A lot of Good Boys and Girls here
I would like everyone to meet Lucy
My wife wanted a second dog and began the hunt, Romans breeder quit so we had to look elsewhere. She came in contact with some scammers which sukked. Didn't lose any money just broke her heart a bit.
We came across Lucy and her breeders, they looked legit and she looked healthy. They said she was about 18 months old and they were going to breed her but changed their minds which is why she was cheaper than a puppy. So off to TN we go and pick her up. We get there and the people were nice enough. Lucy was scared and I noticed she had a bald spot, they said it was from here last heat.. ??? OK. It's already growing back. We get her home and realize she is not potty trained like they said she was, ugh.
It took a couple of days for her to come out of her shell. She is a pistol, does laps when we let her out of her crate in the morning. She was a bit overweight and she has already lost a little bit. They love playing in the back yard, it's fenced in. She had her vet visit yesterday, they said she was in great health but may be older than we were told because of the plaque build up on her teeth. They are going to clean them when she is spayed in a couple weeks. She had to get all of her shots because there were no records, the breeders did it themselves they said.
Such a sweet heart. Two dogs in my lap in the theater room
Two hams baking in the sun
We tried a double leash but Roman wasn't having it, that's him being stiff and pulling the other way