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Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best![]() |
I rarely take time off. It's tough with a one-man shift and having to arrange coverage, and we've been short-staffed the last 4 months which makes it even worse. We finally have one hired and in training, but until they're released it doesn't really help with coverage...in fact it's kinda worse at the moment because we have to train them. I worked all through the holidays, covered extra shifts, had 30+hours of regular OT in the last cycle (that I still haven't been paid for because payroll screwed it up), and that's not counting extra outside details. I currently have close to 160 hours of comp on the books as well. I finally arranged for three days off here in two weeks, which isn't even really a true vacation because I'm using it to remodel our bathroom. But at least I was going to have 7 straight days off of work to get stuff done, and I was really looking forward to it. Enter the prosecutor's office. Yesterday I get a subpoena for a suppression hearing, and guess when it is. Yep, right in the middle of my scheduled time off. They were all off enjoying the holidays for the past few weeks when I was at work every day, but now that I finally get some time off they're going to do their best to muck it up with a trial. It's far from the first time they've done this, either...they have a knack for scheduling stuff at the worst possible time. FML ![]() | ||
Fighting the good fight![]() |
I feel your pain. The relentlessness of it all was one of the factors in me (mostly) leaving law enforcement a year ago. Keep fighting the good fight. I hope you can get a little breathing room once your rookie becomes a real boy. | |||
Member![]() |
Sad that a distinguished public servant was given a subpoena. Why would an allied "prosecutor" issue such a document if the LEO would willingly appear? ------- Trying to simplify my life... | |||
Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best![]() |
The subpoena is just how they notify us. It's normal procedure and not at all out of the norm. I've got no problem with how they did that, just the timing sucks. At least I'm on day shift now. Nights really sucked because even though the vast majority the patrol cops in our county work the same 12-hour rotating schedule, the prosecutors office and courts always hold traffic court on Tuesday mornings at 9:00am, which falls between two work days on the road schedule. So if you worked all night Monday and get off at 6:00am, you have to be back in court at 9:00am, sit around for a couple of hours, go home to try and sleep, and be back to work for another 12 hour shift at 6:00pm. I get that you have to do court, but why not do it on a Monday or Wednesday afternoon so you're not keeping guys up between working shifts? The answer, I can only assume, is because they don't care. | |||
For real?![]() |
yep. I feel ya! Worked Monday night. Traffic court Tuesday at 10:30. Sat for an hour after dude no showed. Was released at noon. Had to nap before going back to work. 6p-6a. Admin laughed when they saw me and told me to stop writing traffic tickets. I'm working this weekend and of course Monday trial at county at 9am. I'm off Monday/Tuesday but they want us there Monday morning. They'll be lucky if a jury is picked by Monday afternoon. They don't need me Monday but I have to go anyway. Lawyers don't care. Told lawyer I will be sleeping in the waiting area. Not minority enough! | |||
I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not |
I feel your pain. my wife has been short staffed and having to work forced OT She took vacation that was then cancelled. So she did not get to see her out of town family very much. She gets supeona's alot but they usually take a plea before she has to testify I am using 100 hours of comp time in feb and march and then taking a bunch of use it or lose this year!!! | |||
Member |
My department ended up making a 'Sleep Room' for such occasions as it happened all the time. It had a leather recliner that laid a little flatter than a typical recliner. They had considered an actual bed, but then you'd have to deal with pillows and sheets so a recliner it was. Tony | |||
Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best![]() |
We have a couch in the squad room that I've used for that purpose a few times. It works pretty good until admin comes in around 8:00 and starts making noise. | |||
Member |
Our FOP lodge finally put a stop to our courts and prosecutor scheduling BS cases like pre-trials and suppression hearings by mandating a set number of hours of OT per appearance type. Prior to this being handled contractually, your court appearance was straight time. Then we got it changed to if the court function falls during your duty cycle (we worked 6 on - 3 off) it was four hours minimum OT. If it fell on your days off, 6 hours minimum. Once the city figured out how much they were going to pay in OT for a cop to show up for a 20 minute pre-trial, they pressured the court and our prosecutor to reduce or check scheduling for these short PITA appearances. The pre-trial hearings were the worst. I would show. The prosecutor would show. The assholes lawyer would show. But no show for the asshole! Bingo! Bench warrant issued. My whole day shot for a half hour appearance. Making matters worse was you had to drive to the station, go to records and sign out the case file before you drove to court! No more getting off midnights and having to go to a pre-trial at 10:30 AM. Took some doing, but we finally accomplished at least some sanity in scheduling most court appearances. End of Earth: 2 Miles Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles | |||
Sigforum's Official Metalhead ![]() |
I'm at the point in my career where I tell the county if I'm available that day. I refuse to base my life on the wants and needs of the most inefficient county court in the country. Sensitive and caring since August 2009 Some people are like a Slinky....not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs. | |||
Washing machine whisperer![]() |
No Zoom option? Our 3 courts can and do pretty much everything but trial and sentencing via Zoom. __________________________ Writing the next chapter that I've been looking forward to. | |||
Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best![]() |
Nope, it's all in person. At least I get paid. Payroll will probably screw it up so I won't see it for a month or two, but I should get it eventually. | |||
Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best![]() |
So today was the big day. I'd had my pre-trial conference, did all my prep work, reviewed my video, dug my Class As our of the back of the closet, and was ready to go. Trial scheduled for 11:00am. I've been remodeling our bathroom this past week and since we only have one it's been a nightmare. We've been having to go down the street to shower and use the toilet at my in-law's, and the last few days temps have been in the negatives, so that's made it even more miserable. We finally got everything mounted last night to the point where we were going to be able to use the toilet and shower, and I discovered that the supply line for the toilet didn't fit the pipe coming out of the wall. So I woke up at 5:30 this morning to get to Menards when they opened so that I could get it all finished and shower before court. I got it all done and took my first dump and shower in the new bathroom, which was glorious ![]() At 9:13AM I had just gotten out of the shower and was getting dressed when I got a call from the prosecutor's office (remember, court is at 11:00, and I was supposed to be there early to meet with the prosecutor). The defense attorney requested a continuance, and they judge granted it. Less than 2 hours before the trial. And the new court date is on my birthday. Why the hell they allow this crap is beyond me. We've known for over a month that this was coming, everybody else is prepared, let's get it done. Now we're going to have to prep all over again in a month. Your tax dollars at work ![]() | |||
His Royal Hiney![]() |
BTDT. Have to go on vacation because I have “use it or lose it” leave. The week before my vacation, I have to do extra work to get ahead, then during vacation, I have to log in to do work. Then after vacation, I have to work extra to catch up. "It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life – daily and hourly. Our answer must consist not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual." Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning, 1946. | |||
Member |
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Surprised to hear that this happens to attorneys. Numerous times I have shown up at the courthouse to hear the case has been postponed. I do not understand why the court system has no respect for people's valuable time. | |||
Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best![]() |
I'm not an attorney, I just have to deal with them all the time (I'm a cop). They do it to us all the time. But good luck getting a continuance if I have a scheduling conflict...and it definitely isn't going to be granted on the same day two hours before the hearing! | |||
Res ipsa loquitur![]() |
I've read this thread with interest. There are some very valid concerns. Let me give you some insight. First, if a court grants a continuance, there is generally a pretty good reason. For example, a witness is unavailable (sick, just got arrested in another county, death in the family, etc.). In my experience, continuances aren't granted or requested simply because someone is having a bad day. Continuances are also granted because the alleged victim is not cooperating and didn't show despite being issued a subpoena (other witness blow off subpoenas too). And, I've seen continuances where the attorneys weren't able to get a hold of their client to meet with them prior to trial and when they finally get there, they want to take a plea deal after all. The problem with all of this is you have appellate issues in play that could lead to a conviction being reversed by the appellate courts if a continuance isn't granted so everyone plays it safe. Now let me come back on the other side? Why the hell can't you all actually read your police report and review the evidence before you show up for trial? Do you know how time consuming and frustrating it is when every other question ends with "I don't recall" and then we have to ask the officer if they were able to review their report if it would refresh their memory????? The OP actually dug out his Class A to come to court. Absolutely amazing. Do you know how many times we've watched officers, on their day off, show up for a Zoom hearing/trial in a t-shirt and shorts, or their lying down in bed, or in the middle of working out? Finally, do you really need to show up to court dressed like you are walking the streets of Mogadishu? Yes policy is that you need to be armed on duty but lose the tactical vest and all mall cop accessories. You look silly when you are simply testifying in court and you look like you are ready to go on patrol in some war zone. It's a two way street. I think everyone could do a better job for efficiency and professionalism. Edited to add: The OP was frustrated about getting a subpoena during a very rare time off. The complaint is valid. However, there is no way the courts can call every potential witness for every case during court to verify if a witness is free or not. It may be very frustrating but it is reality.This message has been edited. Last edited by: BB61, __________________________ | |||
Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best![]() |
Maybe because when we do you guys reschedule at the last minute so we have to do it all over again in a month. I'm overly conscientious by nature, so I'm going to prep every time, but a lot of guys just say screw it because they've been dicked over so many times, and it's hard to blame them. Especially when you're working nights and court wrecks your sleep schedule. I'm on days now so it's not as bad, but it's still inconsiderate and obnoxious.
Maybe where you are, but definitely not here. It happens all the time, and not just on cases where there are a lot of witnesses to schedule. My very first ticket to get contested was a speeding ticket that I wrote to a local defense attorney. He was going 50mph on a residential street in a 30mph zone. I didn't know the guy, and had no idea he was an attorney. I was a reserve at the time, so I had to take time off from my day job to appear (which also involved a wardrobe change into the aforementioned Class A Uniform). I showed up two times, on two separate court dates, and each time the prosecutor came into the waiting room and told me that the defendant, who was representing himself, had requested a continuance at the last minute and the judge granted it. So I got to go change and go back to work and do it all over again in a month. After the second time I never got called back, so I have no idea what ultimately happened with that ticket. Several years later that scumbag got disbarred and went to prison for defrauding the partners in his practice, so compared to that I guess his shenanigans with the ticket were small potatoes.
Maybe that's the officer's duty uniform. Our policy is we wear Class As to court, so that's what I do (again, I'm overly conscientious), but it's a PITA and I've always thought that it's stupid to represent ourselves differently than what we wear on the street. My case reports always start with "I was on duty in full police uniform", and IMO how I'm representing myself at the time of the call should be reflected by what I wear to court. Outer carriers are not just for Mogadishu...there's excellent practical reasons for why we use them, not the least of which is the health and wellness of the officer. Ours aren't full-on tactical-timmy, either...they blend with our uniform shirts and have a limited amount of equipment on them. | |||
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