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E tan e epi tas
Picture of cslinger
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One suggestion. Police your property well for roofing nails etc. We have had roofers use a magnet and it by far was the best but I still found some. No point in fixing a tire after a roof.

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
Posts: 8106 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fighting the good fight
Picture of RogueJSK
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Originally posted by cslinger:
One suggestion. Police your property well for roofing nails etc. We have had roofers use a magnet and it by far was the best but I still found some. No point in fixing a tire after a roof.

Our house got a new roof when I was around 10 years old. My Dad paid me and my brother 10 cents apiece for every nail we collected. He and I spent the next day policing up all the roofing nails that had been left behind. It was quite a few. I ended up with several dollars.
Posts: 33743 | Location: Northwest Arkansas | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of just1tym
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Following hurricane Andrew in 92' there was so much damage here that for months after they ran bulldozers thru the streets cleaning the roads from debris. I had 3 flat tires from all the nails. I'd love to purchase run flats for my Honda. I had them on a vette. With zero pressure I drove to work and back for a few days until I could get it fixed. Didn't notice a thing except the zero tire pressure warning on the dash.

Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of arflattop
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Wish you the best of luck, Rogue. Had my roof replaced last week. It’s 70 squares with multiple rooflines and dormers, including the main vaulted 28 foot ceiling. It took a crew of four men three days to rip off the existing metal roof, remove the 1x4 strips it was nailed to, and replace with Dow Corning 130mph shingles.

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Fighting the good fight
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See, if I had my druthers, we'd be doing the opposite, and tearing off our shingles to install a metal roof.

Alas, metal roofs are specifically banned by our HOA covenants.

When I build my house out in the county, it's going to have a metal roof. And there won't be any damn HOA to tell me I can't.
Posts: 33743 | Location: Northwest Arkansas | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Rev. A. J. Forsyth
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Just had my roof done earlier this month. Took an 8 man crew 7 days to finish. Original roof from 1908 was old-growth cedar shakes nailed to furring strips. On top of that was an early 90s three tab asphalt roof. They tore it down to the furring strips and re-sheathed the entire roof with 1/2" eucalyptus plywood (on top of the strips). On top of that went the complete GAF system and 50 year "American Harvest, Appalachian Sky" shingles. All new copper valleys and copper flashing behind the stuccoed dormers. 65 squares with multiple pitches, 40' off the deck. All the men wire tied off using the appropriate dynamic ropes and grigris. The garage was done as well, with 104' of new fascia boards.

Word of advice, if you have anything at all in your attic, either remove it to the bedrooms, or cover it during the process. An ungodly amount of detritus will get into the attic.

I've got some great drone shots, but I don't have a photo hosting account.
Posts: 1639 | Location: Winston-Salem  | Registered: April 01, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
always with a hat or sunscreen
Picture of bald1
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Originally posted by Rev. A. J. Forsyth:

I've got some great drone shots, but I don't have a photo hosting account.

You really don't need one. There are several ways to get an image available to post here. Me? I use Greenshot to capture the image I want (resized as necessary with Faststone Image Viewer). Greenshot allows an upload to imgur where you simply take the URL it gives and add it to your post/thread. Bingo! Image posted and shared. Big Grin

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Fighting the good fight
Picture of RogueJSK
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Originally posted by Rev. A. J. Forsyth:
Word of advice, if you have anything at all in your attic, either remove it to the bedrooms, or cover it during the process. An ungodly amount of detritus will get into the attic.

Thanks. All we have in our attic is our HVAC stuff, and some Christmas decorations stored in large plastic tubs with lids.
Posts: 33743 | Location: Northwest Arkansas | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fighting the good fight
Picture of RogueJSK
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Met with the adjuster without a roofer. Let her do her thing. Answered her questions as best I could. She was all over that roof like a spider monkey. No fear. Eek

Adjuster says hail claim approved! We're getting a new roof, and they're repairing the water damage too.

Posts: 33743 | Location: Northwest Arkansas | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Wonderful news. Keep us posted.
Posts: 17818 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
E tan e epi tas
Picture of cslinger
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She was all over that roof like a spider monkey. No fear.

When we sold out last house the inspector shows up in khakis and boat shoes and proceeds to climb up on our roof in a drizzle. Now the front of our house was two stories, the back closer to three. I told him if he falls off the front I will do all I can to get him help. If goes off the back, I will get to it when I get to it as he wouldn’t be in any rush.

Sonofabitch walked that roof in that rain and I swear posed at least once like “he had a little captain in him”.

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
Posts: 8106 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of just1tym
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Finally some good news from an insurance company, good deal. Yes, keep us posted.

Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fighting the good fight
Picture of RogueJSK
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Originally posted by just1tym:
Finally some good news from an insurance company

Yeah... I suspect it's like any other industry. The ones that are happy with it make minimal noise, but those that are unhappy are all over the web bitching.

I had kinda freaked myself out reading insurance horror stories leading up to this. While I understand my claim was a bit of a long shot, I was happy with my experience with the adjuster.
Posts: 33743 | Location: Northwest Arkansas | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Rev. A. J. Forsyth
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That's great news, truly.
Posts: 1639 | Location: Winston-Salem  | Registered: April 01, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Skins2881
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Excellent news Rogue! What kind of gun are you going to buy? Your insurance company just saved you enough to buy a dozen plus, so you should get at least one. Wink


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Fighting the good fight
Picture of RogueJSK
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Big Grin

After the $8k outlay over the past 4 months for the bathroom repair/remodel, water heater, and now roof deductible, the priority is to rebuild our savings.

Though I did stumble across an Argentine Hi-Power that seems to be a good deal at ~$300...
Posts: 33743 | Location: Northwest Arkansas | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Good news. You hit the nail on the head, those that have a good experience won’t say a word, those that have a bad experience (more than likely a bogus claim) won’t shut up.

Did she write a check or are you having to get estimates?
Posts: 2679 | Location: The Low Country | Registered: October 21, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fighting the good fight
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The insurance company is cutting me a couple checks, based on their own estimate. One sooner (~$11k), and another later (~$6k) for recovered depreciation once the work is done.

I've already signed the contract earlier this week with my chosen roofer. All the supplies were delivered and loaded on the roof yesterday, and the new roof will go on sometime next week, depending on weather and how quickly they get done with the couple jobs in line before mine.
Posts: 33743 | Location: Northwest Arkansas | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of just1tym
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Originally posted by RogueJSK:
The insurance company is cutting me a couple checks, based on their own estimate. One sooner (~$11k), and another later (~$6k) for recovered depreciation once the work is done.

I've already signed the contract earlier this week with my chosen roofer. All the supplies were delivered and loaded on the roof yesterday, and the new roof will go on sometime next week, depending on weather and how quickly they get done with the couple jobs in line before mine.

You're so lucky Rogue. For now I'm stuck in a State run Hurricane Catastrophe Fund since Hurricane Andrew. Rates to get picked up by any decent carrier isn't feasible yet. I have to carry two separate policies, one for the normal homeowners and this other one for just Hurricane Wind damage. And other's like me that got dropped by their carriers after the Andrew payouts are also stuck in this Fund. Those I know who have made a claim from a hurricane since Andrew told me they had to fight tooth and nail to get their claims processed in timely fashion and for recovery of their respective damages. Insurance carriers like State Farm and Allstate will not write policies in areas like mine. And those carriers that are now starting to write aren't really financially feasible. My home will be paid off soon and I plan on dropping my wind coverages and banking the cash for a future storm. It's usually 25yrs or so between the Big Ones so thats a lot of cash for repairs. Many of my friends started doing this many years ago.

You are indeed lucky Rogue. Keep us in the loop on the repairs, and good luck!

Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fighting the good fight
Picture of RogueJSK
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New roof was put on this week. Took 3 days, which was longer than originally estimated, but they only have 4 guys working on it. No additional damage was discovered, other than the known rotted OSB in that one spot, which had led to the leak.

They finished late on Thursday evening, after dark. I worked all day Friday, but finally got a chance to do a walk-around this morning.

Everything looks good, until I get to the south side. 1 day old, and already multiple nail pops, tearing up several of the shingles.

I called my roofer, and he said he'd have some guys out today to take a look. Luckily, I still have some leftover shingles.

I get that shit happens, but this is not exactly confidence-inspiring. If it's doing this after 1 day, how's it going to be holding up in a week/month/year?

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Posts: 33743 | Location: Northwest Arkansas | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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