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Semper Fi - 1775
Picture of Ronin1069
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“You are smoking crack”.

On the site I mod, I would have attempted to lighten the mood a bit by adding humor (pics or it didn’t happen!) and then offering a friendly reminder to keep focus on the topic and avoid personal attacks.

Truthfully I picked up that tactic from Para when I see him interrupt a tense conversation with a simple,


Point taken and lets all move on.

All it all you got.
For those who have fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know

Posts: 12504 | Location: Belly of the Beast | Registered: January 02, 2009Report This Post
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I see your point. I’m not saying I was right but I don’t understand moderating that minor comment but not addressing a guy stating quantifiable incorrect statements.

Forums are only as good as the players. If you let someone lie and then moderate when someone points it out that seems to be the wrong focus.

He said it multiple times. People pointed it out and he just kept on. Aggravating. I need to learn to just move past without comment I suppose. I suck at that though.

For example, if you start a thread about how bad steel cased ammo is for your gun it’s like catnip to me. Lol
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Victim of Life's
Picture of doublesharp
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I got a ding on para's old S&W forum for posting: BOHICA...

God spelled backwards is dog
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I Deal In Lead
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A guy on a local board was trying to sell an Akins Accelerator, something the ATF went after years ago.

Anyway, in his ad, he said "I bet no one knows what this is."

I replied that I knew what it was and good luck with his ad. Just those words.

Got a warning.
Posts: 10626 | Location: Gilbert Arizona | Registered: March 21, 2013Report This Post
Thank you
Very little
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but not addressing a guy stating quantifiable incorrect statements.

You'd have to moderate about 50% of the stuff posted daily, at a minimum then....
Posts: 25065 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Report This Post
Picture of Mr. Peteroniman
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but not addressing a guy stating quantifiable incorrect statements.

facts, facts my friend will address the issue
can't moderate stupid, just for being stupid


All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed.
For after all, he was only human. He wasn't a dog.”
― Charles M. Schulz
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Hop head
Picture of lyman
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Originally posted by doublesharp:
I got a ding on para's old S&W forum for posting: BOHICA...

I got dinged there years ago for using the phrase piss and moan,
Posts: 10746 | Location: Beach VA,not VA Beach | Registered: July 17, 2007Report This Post
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I haven't been there in a little while but if you ever visit Pirate 4x4 you better bring your big boy pants. I am pretty sure the mods there would tell you to go blank yourself. I think the most used emoji there is the middle finger. Good luck being a new guy and asking a question.

Sig Classic Line Armorer
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They're after my Lucky Charms!
Picture of IrishWind
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Originally posted by Mr. Peteroniman:
facts, facts my friend will address the issue
can't moderate stupid, just for being stupid

But when the SuperModerator (SM) decides to ignore facts, that is when the fun begins. I left another board because I was moderated. The SM and a couple of his buddies went all in on Putin's reasons to invade Ukraine. Non-stop articles about Nazis and bio-labs, and touting Russia's early successes every turn. It was surreal to see people claiming to be conservative, gun owning Americans so openly cheer for a KGB thug trying to eliminate a free, west leaning, democratic nation that doesn't want Moscow control again. And the SM and buddies called every reported Russian war crime a conspiracy theory. Their sources were either Russian media, or 'independent journalists' based out of Moscow. The SM didn't like that his world view was so easily challenged, couldn't defend his position when facts presented from the rest of the world showed he was wrong, so my posting rights restricted.

Edit: I just just checked that board. In the middle of the constant stream of Russian propaganda, one of the 'pro-Russian patriots' was wondering where all the ones opposing the war went. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha. I know.

Lord, your ocean is so very large and my divos are so very f****d-up
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Picture of grumpy1
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In general on any such forum it is best to avoid anything that could be construed as a personal attack from my experiences. Big Grin Instead something like "I disagree" because or maybe "that's crazy" because. Yeah a lot of fanboy snowflakes over there. SIGforum is hands down the greatest.
Posts: 9990 | Location: Northern Illinois | Registered: March 20, 2009Report This Post
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Man, those guys on that forum say some stupid shit.

One guy, no shit, says he doesn’t understand the disdain towards stock HK triggers. Then in the next fucking sentence says his HK has the Grayguns Carry Package. FML. So you liked it so much you spent a couple hundred bucks on a custom trigger job?
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005Report This Post
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Ok, ok, ok. New complaint.

HK has upgraded the innards of their magazines to bring the capacity from 15 to 17. They sell a kit from the factory to swap out said guts and increase cap to the new factory standard.

No big deal right? 15 bucks buys you a new follower, spring, floor plate, and baseplate and ups the capacity to 17. In a pinch all the old parts still work if you ever wear out the new spring. It's a win.

Over there they literally are saying they prefer to stay at 15 rounds. Not that they don't want to buy the kit, they are literally saying they prefer the 15 round mags to the 17. They would rather buy 15 round mags vice 17 round mags for the same price. Mind you, they are identical mag bodies. Exact same size, no bigger baseplate, side by side they are identical. In fact, all new P30/VP9's are shipping with the new gutted 17 round mags. Nobody has reported issues or stoppages with 17 rounders, nothing.

They think the mags are compromised. Short followers, thinner springs, harder to insert, the comments were hilarious.

Why are HK guys so fucking retarded? (I am an HK guy myself, love HK, the guys not so much)

Who would complain that the factory decided they could increase the magazine capacity without increasing the size of the magazine or the price or the reliability? Who would do that?
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005Report This Post
I Deal In Lead
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Originally posted by Rey HRH:
Originally posted by pedropcola:
I think the Navy ruined me for normal life.

As a sailor myself, you can imagine the many places my mind went to with that line.

And mine as an ex Army guy who enjoys trading insults with the other branches.
Posts: 10626 | Location: Gilbert Arizona | Registered: March 21, 2013Report This Post
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My son is a Marine so I have a bunch of those jokes too. Good times!
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005Report This Post
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I recently got a 2 day ban on a deer hunting forum.

Someone asked why does hunting have to be a competition? I replied because everyone knows only guys with big dicks get the big bucks.

Posts: 5512 | Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA | Registered: February 27, 2001Report This Post
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Sometimes it’s just worth it. Lol
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005Report This Post
I Deal In Lead
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Originally posted by lyman:
Originally posted by doublesharp:
I got a ding on para's old S&W forum for posting: BOHICA...

I got dinged there years ago for using the phrase piss and moan,

On the boards I moderate, we use what we call the George Carlin Rule.

You can use any profanity you want as long as it's called for in context of what's being said except the 7 words George Carlin said you can't say on TV.
Posts: 10626 | Location: Gilbert Arizona | Registered: March 21, 2013Report This Post
Peace through
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Look, you're referring to one of two HK boards, I don't know which and I don't care, but if you keep complaining about them, it's going to attract flies and then I'm going to have to clean up the mess.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Picture of RichardC
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Originally posted by pedropcola:

Why are HK guys so fucking retarded? (I am an HK guy myself ...

Are you looking for insults or arguments?


Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door.


Posts: 16377 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 23, 2003Report This Post
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Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005Report This Post
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