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The lack of IQ at the Costco fuel pumps Login/Join 
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It's not just at the gas pumps. People can't focus. I like to blame it on all the foreigners. Telll my wife that their last vehicle was a ox drawn cart. But, it's not just them. People disengage their brain when driving.
Posts: 1487 | Registered: November 07, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I could have written this rant almost verbatim from my experience at Costco yesterday! I had almost the exact same scenario at Costco.

Long lines, as usual, and I am behind some dude in a large SUV. He pulls up to the forward pump and hops out while talking on his phone. I tap my card, pick the pump and start filling my Mustang GT. I know going in I will be done quicker because I only need about a little over a half tank.

The guy just seems to be lounging between his car and the pump and doesn't even try to start pumping gas. He's too busy on his phone. Finally he tries a card, then another, eventually getting one to take.

I am now done pumping and sit in my car and he still has not started to pump the gas! I start my car (snarling V8) just so he knows that I am done and ready to move on whenever he gets done fiddle fucking around and actually puts some gas in his SUV. Guy never even looked around to see if he might be inconveniencing the people waiting in line behind him.

I can't go around because there isn't enough room between the two lanes the way that he and the opposite driver parked. After he finally fills up, all by hand, he attempts to top it off at least 5 or 6 times before leisurely putting the handle away and tapping on the pump for his receipt. Very calmly makes his way into his rig and eventually starts it up and moves out.

I follow him to the exit where he blocks both lanes to apparently turn left (no blinker) from the middle of the 2 lanes and wait for him to make his turn before I can make my right turn and be on my way.

Luckily I am not in a hurry and I kind of laughed it off, but it just amazes me how desperately clueless and inconsiderate people have become.

Good rant Prefontaine and good timing as well. Smile

Unfortunately all too common these days, I doubt its limited to Costco.
Posts: 1167 | Registered: July 23, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Frangas non Flectes
Picture of P220 Smudge
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I absolutely loathe going to Costco. For a few months, I stopped going for gas there altogether, just paid the extra at the place around the corner. I agree, it's like a cognition suppression field at the entrance to the parking lot - all thought is entirely switched to "off." People standing waiting in the center of the lane right in front of the store for someone to pick them up along with their entire cart full of groceries, people walking down the center of the lanes to get in the store, people waiting for those people to move so they can park, people waiting behind those people so they can get in line for the fuel pumps, the fuel pumps backed up because some asshole is on his phone and the asshole in front of him pulled his Expedition around to the front pump in front of the guy who had four gallons left to go to fill his truck, but now he's gotta wait because the clown with the Expedition parked it at a forty five degree angle, and he drifted in on fumes and driving an EL, so the guy in the truck gets to wait while the clown with the Expedition tries five credit cards and then fills up the entire 33 gallons when the asshole in the EL could have still filled up at the same pump if he'd waited all of thirty seconds. When they both go to leave, they get stuck behind some dickface retiree in a camper who has no business driving while he does a nine point turn to leave through the exit he would rather use instead of the one he can actually get through and now there's fifteen vehicles waiting to leave and they all have to be first. The guy in the truck would have been gone ten minutes ago, taking his shoes off and changing out his cardigan at home, Mr. Rogers style, but he now he's foaming at the mouth twenty feet from the same gas pump he fought tooth and nail to get to and now can't get the fuck away from. Half an hour of his life gone forever to pumping 26 gallons of gas.

Can you tell I've been the guy in the truck more than once? I didn't feel like starting over to work them in, but the assholes with the Mini Cooper-sized cars who could fill up with the pump on either side but refuse to get in the line with no cars and get in the line I'm stuck behind really piss me off. If I could fill on either side, I would, but I can't get the hose to reach around the camper shell, so it's left side only for me, boyo.

That's just dealing with the parking lot and the fuel center, that's not even getting into how stupid people act inside the goddamned store. Fuck Costco.

Carthago delenda est
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Picture of Prefontaine
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Originally posted by bcereuss:

I find this fascinating. Not trying to be flippant; I've jusst never heard of this.

Not carrying the phone everywhere with them? I have vehicles with Apple CarPlay so when in them, phone is with me for music. I have max quality audio files from my CD’s on there, but use the typical Pandora type streaming services, etc. But the phone generally stays locked in the vehicle and not on my person. Either the locked glove box, or I have that little safe for locking a pistol up, under a seat. My daily driver doesn’t have CarPlay, it’s too old to have that tech so when driving it, the phone is at home. Either on the wireless charger or in the safe.

I use the Apple Watch, cellular version. That watch does comms. Phone calls, texts, and even has most of my home automation apps on it. That’s my typical “carry”. Watch on the wrist with APP’s in their case, in my pocket. That handles all comms until I can get back to the vehicle if I need it. Reminds me of 20 years ago, with a Nokia 8210 that was small, light, etc, and not a $1000 6” piece of glass. Living life without the pacifier on you all the time is liberating. And I carry a semi auto, 1-2 spare magz on the belt so not having to tote the pacifier around with me everywhere I go, is very nice. I hate phone life and what it has done to people and this country so fuck that phone Wink

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
Posts: 12994 | Location: Down South | Registered: January 16, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Prefontaine
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Originally posted by Sigfan Roy:

After he finally fills up, all by hand, he attempts to top it off at least 5 or 6 times before leisurely putting the handle away and tapping on the pump for his receipt. Very calmly makes his way into his rig and eventually starts it up and moves out.

I follow him to the exit where he blocks both lanes to apparently turn left (no blinker) from the middle of the 2 lanes and wait for him to make his turn before I can make my right turn and be on my way.

Good rant Prefontaine and good timing as well. Smile

Both of these. My fuckin’ fuck. It’s common knowledge, that when the pump cuts off, that’s it. You know, safety! It’s gas, it’s flammable phucktards! Nope, they grab the trigger, and try to chintz squeeze a few more drops in. It cuts them off and instead of Ok, enough. They do it 6 more times. I see it most every time there and every other gas station. Reminds me of Forest Gump “Are you fucking stupid or something?” Fuck, the extra squeezes aren’t doing shit. I mean if it’s Mad Max, in the Interceptor, I get it. You’ve got the Iotola of RockNRolla around, gas is extremely scarce. But this isn’t a movie dipshits! Drives me crazy.

Then your 2nd point, yep. The slow mother fucker, somehow, you often get bricked behind him, on egress. You are just trying to get out of there, safely, not driving erratic or dangerously, and they brick you from exiting the parking lot. The best times are when you try to get on the highway after and they brick that too. They’ll do 40, maybe 45 mph hour, entering a highway that is 70 mph. Every time I say in the truck/car “Fuckstick you are gonna get us all killed, hit the got damn gas pedal, for FUCKSAKES!” Getting stuck behind them at the pump is bad enough, but no, that isn’t it. It’s the entire parking lot, + the service road, + the highway on ramp.

And yeah I won’t even get started on the inside of Costco. Like them having Tier 1 fuel, they have extremely high quality meat, fish, fruit, veggies, and I cannot beat any of their deal locally at someplace else. Usually I don’t deal with any of this shit as I go weekdays only, 30 minutes or less to close. Usually, I’m spared from the bullshit at the gas pumps too because ours here, the store closes at 8:30pm, gas pumps close at 9pm. So usually getting gas on a weekday between 8:30pm and 9pm, no line. Worst is waiting on one car but usually I don’t wait at all, pull in right up to a pump (if not choosy on drivers side fuel door, you know switch hitter Wink ) with no drama or fan fair. Same thing in the store. I can walk in at 8:05pm, and I’m showing my receipt at the door by 8:15pm, 8:20pm at the latest. And the weekends? I don’t care if it was free groceries, free gas at the pumps, you couldn’t fuckin’ pay me to go near the place on the weekends. Reminds me of a mall in the heyday, say the 90’s, the 3 days before Christmas. I drive past it on the weekends, look at the parking lot, the total zoo that it is, and say “Might as well call the local zoo, rent a cage and some chimps to swing from it”. It’s that ridiculous.

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
Posts: 12994 | Location: Down South | Registered: January 16, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Not just Costco. I was filling up at a Sheetz and heard a snapping sound. Looked over and saw a mini van pulling out with the nozzle in the filler and the hose dragging behind it,
Posts: 66 | Registered: July 11, 2021Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sjtill
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A righteous and timely rant.
Today I had the best and the worst of Costco car stuff:
1. The worst: I got into line (far side for my accord, but it's a sedan, what the hell. Lights show three green--no two green, the one in front just got filled. Where did they come from? No sweat, I'll be #3. But no, the broad in front of me pulls to the #3 pump--pause--there's no one in front of her. Get out and starts to fill up.
I pull around to #2 pump, but because it's on the far left of the station I can't back in without scratching my car. Cursing under my breath, I pull out and head to the wash, because...

That's the best of Costco. Well, yeah, there's a line. A long line. I put on The Pirates of Penzance, we get as far as Mabel's entry and she starts her aria. $7.99 gets me the only wash Costco offers, which in other places would be twice as much or more, includes the ceramic spray. We go through, and on the way out are amazed: the car is absolutely dry, absolutely spotless...well, still an itsy bitsy spider web left in the passenger mirror.

Went back for gas, and got in with much shorter line. Luck of the draw. We did discover the other day that coming to Costco gas and store at the end of the day is the best. Roast chicken was on sale too, as they'd have to throw it away otherwise.

We love Costco.

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Posts: 18437 | Location: One hop from Paradise | Registered: July 27, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I guess I lead a boring life . No gas pump drama here . Costco gas station is always packed so I don't bother even trying . The price is not worth the effort anyway .
Posts: 4294 | Location: Down in Louisiana . | Registered: February 27, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Hold Fast
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That's why I don't buy gas at Costco, 4 or 5 cars in front of you will take 20 minutes or more with all the bozos like you describe. Saving $3 on a tank of gas is not worth my time. In fact most of the time the gas lines at Costco around here tend to be 5+ cars waiting at each pump so the wait is even longer.

Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet . . .

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You are doing it wrong. You must be in the low IQ line.
Posts: 17578 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Entry to exit at our Costco is never over 8 minutes.


Not in four years.

Safety, Situational Awareness and proficiency.

Neck Ties, Hats and ammo brass, Never ,ever touch'em w/o asking first
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Picture of mcrimm
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We skip Costco lines and drive a couple of miles to Sam’s Club. Gas is cheaper and seldom a line.

I'm sorry if I hurt you feelings when I called you stupid - I thought you already knew - Unknown
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Told cops where to go for over 29 years…
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Monthly reminder for some of you folks to get your BP meds refilled… Wink

Situational awareness…

I pretty much ONLY get gas at Costco - in my neck of the woods they run .40-.50/gal cheaper and when you are in WA state every little bit helps.

I make a point of carefully choosing my line based on if I will be at front pump or one of the back pumps and what vehicles I will possibly need to bypass.

Also the fact that their hose will reach either side opens up options when some fools will sit and wait for one side pumps while the other side have open pumps.

End of the day, I have far more important things to be concerned with than letting a few minutes delay in refueling affect my attitude.

It ain’t an Indy pit stop, I’ll still win my race to get home since I am the only one in the running…

What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand???

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Picture of V-Tail
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Originally posted by mcrimm:
We skip Costco lines and drive a couple of miles to Sam’s Club. Gas is cheaper and seldom a line.
Costco and Sam's Club gas are same price here. Costco is Top Tier; Sam's Club is not.

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Corgis Rock
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Oregon doesn’t allow you to pump your own gas.
However one Costco has a fine system.
Three cars pull up, the attendant collects cards and goes down the line stating the pumps. Then he brigs the cards back, shuts the pumps off and brings the receipt.
Three in, three out. Stay in your car.

“ The work of destruction is quick, easy and exhilarating; the work of creation is slow, laborious and dull.
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Busier than a cat covering
crap on a marble floor
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Costco gas station here is all in the timing. Being self employed/mostly retired I go at the time when I can get in and out in 4-5 min. Weekdays is 8:30 am, NO lines, 4-5 lanes empty. Saturdays: 8:30 am - 1 hour before store opens, Sunday 9:00 am - 1 hour before store opens. And if Gas Buddy lists the Walmart gas station price cheaper I go there; better in and out layout, wider gas lines, and rarely packed like Costco's normal hours. YMMV

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Savor the limelight
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If you are a WalMart+ member you can use the app to get a $.10/gallon code at WalMart and Murphy gas stations.
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My wife mentioned that it is only men that you see tapping the nozzle on the fill neck to squeeze out a couple drops. She claims weiner related
Posts: 1487 | Registered: November 07, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks V Tale ,
I learned something .

( It only took until June this year )

Safety, Situational Awareness and proficiency.

Neck Ties, Hats and ammo brass, Never ,ever touch'em w/o asking first
Posts: 55234 | Location: Henry County , Il | Registered: February 10, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Costco and Sam's are both too busy to make it worth my time . I can get it for the same price at Murphy and not have to wait most of the time . That Top Tier nonsense doesn't mean squat to me . Auto Zone has Techron on BOGO right now .
Posts: 4294 | Location: Down in Louisiana . | Registered: February 27, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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