Everywhere it seems the term "people of color" is being used to describe anyone, and I mean anyone, who is not 100% lily white. One of my questions is, when did white stop being a color?
There are white clothes, white vehicles, heck there's even a white house. But "white" isn't included in the "people of color" color wheel.
It seems every "non-white" wants to embrace this stupid "people/person of color" label. And I know why. If you're able to attach this label to yourself, you're automatically going to be treated with kid gloves. But honestly, let's stop using the term "people" or "person" of color and call them what they really want to be treated as. Victims.
Icarus flew too close to the sun, but at least he flew.
Posts: 6823 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: April 30, 2003
My guess it that about half of the people in this country prefer a political party that is based entirely on what category someone looks like and what ever they want to be (Female, Male, Goat, Tree, Whatever) at the time.
This is also the same political party that tells them that they are too stupid to obtain a photo ID, and for that they get a virtual lock on all of their votes.
The 'People of Color' is another play on words that they are good at. Universally identified as 'Democratic' as opposed to 'A Democrat' because it implies democracy to their side only, but that is something for a different thread.
Posts: 9682 | Location: Somewhere looking for ammo that nobody has at a place I haven't been to for a pistol I couldn't live without... | Registered: December 02, 2014
People of Color...I refer to them as the 13%ers.... And someone needs to explain to me how 13% of the population thinks they can dictate to the other 87%
Posts: 151 | Location: Florida | Registered: May 02, 2013
Originally posted by Sig Dale: People of Color...I refer to them as the 13%ers.... And someone needs to explain to me how 13% of the population thinks they can dictate to the other 87%
Because that 13% mostly votes enbloc . The other 87% are fractured .
Posts: 4533 | Location: Down in Louisiana . | Registered: February 27, 2009