Here’s what happened. Decided to take advantage of a couple sales Sig was offering. Logged in, got my cart filled, but when I tried to complete the order, it said connection failure. This happened to us on thanksgiving, trying to take advantage of Black Friday sale, but we thought it was due to a huge influx of people online. And just re trying again didn’t help then. Never did get it, they sold out by the time I could call on a business day. I’ll have to call them Monday, but wondered if anybody else had this happen?
Well, using EDGE did NOT work. Got a message, something about the gateway connection error, transaction declined. Guess I’ll have to call them Monday. That’s exactly what happened trying to get their Black Friday sale too. And I tried a bunch of time then, which prompted a call from our cc people asking if we had done that. And I’ve ordered things online at other places before and after this with no issues, so I think it has to be Sig.