I had a woman do something really stupid in front of me at a stop light yesterday, and as I sat there cursing to myself I noticed the tell tale sign. The rear view mirror cranked so far over, they can only be looking at themselves. "Oh yeah, now I get it, she's one of those.
Maybe I should be grateful. It's a small indicator of who you're driving near, what kind of person/driver/genius you're dealing with, and that it's a warning to watch out!
_____________________________________________________ Sliced bread, the greatest thing since the 1911.
Using them as a mobile vanity mirror seems to be popular. I've never understood the efficiency gained by applying make up in fifteen 20 second bursts on the way to work vs setting the alarm 5 minutes earlier.
Posts: 9159 | Location: The Red part of Minnesota | Registered: October 06, 2002
Originally posted by MNSIG: Using them as a mobile vanity mirror seems to be popular. I've never understood the efficiency gained by applying make up in fifteen 20 second bursts on the way to work vs setting the alarm 5 minutes earlier.
I agree completely.
Posts: 1756 | Location: The Backyard of Nowhere | Registered: August 09, 2010
Originally posted by MNSIG: Using them as a mobile vanity mirror seems to be popular. I've never understood the efficiency gained by applying make up in fifteen 20 second bursts on the way to work vs setting the alarm 5 minutes earlier.
Come to Houston, they do it at 50+ MPH in traffic.
I really don't see the point in cranking the rear view mirror out of focus when every car now days has built in vanity mirrors on the backs of the sun visors. Then who knows what runs through a woman's mind any way?
SigP229R Harry Callahan "A man has got to know his limitations". Teddy Roosevelt "Talk soft carry a big stick" I Cor10: 13 "1611KJV"
Originally posted by SIG 229R: I really don't see the point in cranking the rear view mirror out of focus when every car now days has built in vanity mirrors on the backs of the sun visors. Then who knows what runs through a woman's mind any way?
Posts: 6673 | Location: Near the Metropolis of Tightsqueeze, Va | Registered: February 18, 2007