Interstate rest stop signs that do not say "Next rest stop xx miles"

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September 23, 2018, 04:06 PM
Interstate rest stop signs that do not say "Next rest stop xx miles"
Just drove I-81 from Syracuse NY to Hagerstown MD and I do not recall seeing any such signs in PA. I did drive by one that said "Rest stop closed," it would have been helpful to know how far to the next open stop.

Most (many?) interstates do this, the NYS Thruway east of Syracuse has LOTS of stops with great signage.
September 23, 2018, 05:25 PM
Well, common sense tells you it's going to be a while. How bad do you have to pee ?
September 23, 2018, 06:41 PM
They are only at state lines in the skinny states !
September 23, 2018, 07:10 PM
Trucker bombs!
September 23, 2018, 11:15 PM
If you ever drive through Utah you will see signs saying "no nothing for 132 miles". We almost missed one.
September 24, 2018, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by Sigmund:
Just drove I-81 from Syracuse NY to Hagerstown MD...

Once you get past Binghamton, that is the worst stretch of interstate highway in the nation.

I've heard that the reason is the mob basically runs the highway dept in PA and keeping that stretch of I-81 in disrepair is a cash-cow and job security. Can't speak to the veracity of that claim, but I wouldn't doubt it. Between potholes, lousy rest areas, and lousy signage, I'd rather take a two-laner through PA than drive I-81.

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
September 24, 2018, 11:57 AM
It depends on the Interstate. When we travel On I-91, there are a few in Vermont and none in MA. I guess they don't have them as there are a lot of exits. I prefer to stop at rest stops on the interstate rather than get off an exit with a trailer and find out that the gas station or food are another 2.5 miles down a traffic light filled road.

Living the Dream
September 24, 2018, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Gustofer:
Originally posted by Sigmund:
Just drove I-81 from Syracuse NY to Hagerstown MD...

Once you get past Binghamton, that is the worst stretch of interstate highway in the nation.

I've heard that the reason is the mob basically runs the highway dept in PA and keeping that stretch of I-81 in disrepair is a cash-cow and job security. Can't speak to the veracity of that claim, but I wouldn't doubt it. Between potholes, lousy rest areas, and lousy signage, I'd rather take a two-laner through PA than drive I-81.

I-80 thru Pennsylvania isn't much better.

"Some people are alive today because it's against the law to kill them".
September 24, 2018, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by grumpy1:
If you ever drive through Utah you will see signs saying "no nothing for 132 miles". We almost missed one.

I remember that driving from L.A. to Chicago a few years ago. That was a desolate stretch.


September 24, 2018, 05:06 PM
Last year when driving from Fla to NJ, the GPS said "stay on I-95 for 592 miles". We laughed at that, it was actually about another 1,000 miles to get home.

Living the Dream
September 24, 2018, 06:31 PM
did you see that they are close to closing a third of the rest stops in Iowa , to save money .

Safety, Situational Awareness and proficiency.

Neck Ties, Hats and ammo brass, Never ,ever touch'em w/o asking first
September 24, 2018, 08:23 PM
did you see that they are close to closing a third of the rest stops in Iowa , to save money .

Interesting. Iowa home to the world's largest truck stop on I 80. I hear people actually plan trips to visit the truck stop. If those people from Illinois would stop vandalizing those rest stops things would be better.
September 24, 2018, 08:25 PM

September 24, 2018, 11:41 PM
I'm with you on that...

There is an app for that. Shows where they are, in a list or on a map with the distance. I don't have my phone handy and don't remember the name of it. I also use one occasionally that shows the services available at each exit like food, gas, lodging etc.

They come in handy, sometimes, especially if the wife is driving so I am free to fiddle with them...

Endeavor to persevere.