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One time I was in a meeting with 20 or so people who were all strangers to each other. We each took turns speaking briefly and when it was my turn, I referred to back to something said earlier by a woman in the group.

I thought she made a good observation and was agreeing with her and was saying how it applied to my life. I also made the mistake of referring to her as a “lady”. She harrumphed and got all outraged and shouted really loud “I’M NOT A LADY!” A man in the group said “what are you then?” She shouted “I’M A WOMAN!” and implied that the word “lady” means “old”.

I apologized and told her she obviously isn’t a lady. She got mad about that, too. Roll Eyes

In my experience, only a woman takes a guy showing respect as something to get offended about.
Posts: 506 | Location: Salt Flats | Registered: April 27, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Contact your Condo Association Property Management Company. Many By Laws prohibit storing inoperative cars on the property common element. We tow them after 36 hours.
Posts: 1931 | Location: S.E. Michigan/Macomb County | Registered: October 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of 71 TRUCK
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Originally posted by Fredward:
My days of helping are over. There are too many crazies and too many scams out there. My attitude is "leave me the fuck alone." Oh yeah, over the years the only guy helping me out in bad situations was, yeah, me.

Unfortunately this has also been my attitude over the last few years.
Any time I see something my first thought has been " how is this going to come back to me and become a problem for me"
In this case if it were me my thought would be, someone would see me pushing a derelict car and some one of authority thinking it was mine. They would see where I live and than send a notice I would have to remove it.
It is sad to think this way and up till a few years ago I would not have thought twice about helping.

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A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

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Conservative in Nor Cal constantly swimming
up stream
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Originally posted by Redford1970:
Contact your Condo Association Property Management Company. Many By Laws prohibit storing inoperative cars on the property common element. We tow them after 36 hours.

I don't live in the Condo Complex. I live in a private cul de sac with 11 homes that comes out to the main street and the neighborhood.

Now that it's on the street maybe the city will tow it.

I'm thinking the condo association probably told her to move it from the guest spot or else. So she moved it 20 feet to the street.

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Perhaps it’s the libertarian in me, but I like to keep my concerns inside my property line and expect others to do the same. Want to junk up your place? That’s your business.

As for helping, I usually just ask them “Would you like some help?” It is a simple offer that can be accepted or refused without adopting any political position. I try always to be decent, but have no control over others if they cannot by being offended by the offer.

Demand not that events should happen as you wish; but wish them to happen as they do happen, and you will go on well. -Epictetus
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Picture of cne32507
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If the OP had helped push, it would have given him the opening to ask if this POS is her's and what does she plan to do with it? If a smart retort is issued, then tell her someone may call the authorities to have it towed. If she gets really nasty sic the Pug on her.
Posts: 2520 | Location: High Sierra & Low Desert | Registered: February 03, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Might be worth a call to your local P.D. or Sheriff's Station (depending who has primary jurisdiction in your area). All agencies have abandoned/inoperable vehicle abatement protocols. All you gotta report is there is an inoperable vehicle that hasn't moved in xx hours, it is a xxxxx motor vehicle with CA LP XXXXXXX - they'll come out and start the process to have it impounded. Ask for phone contact from the responding officer, and he'll give you a good idea for what the timeline is for having the p.o.s. towed away.
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Go ahead punk, make my day
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With the rampant "he assaulted me / touched me / made me feel uncomfortable", I give women I don't know a wide berth.

No way I'd have helped in that case and I would have said "If you want some help, I'll call you a tow truck." .

When I lived in Kommiefornia, every vehicle had to move every 48 or 72 hours (might have been a city thing, IDR). If you called the cops, they would have a unit roll by and put a sticker on the car, with the time / date and warning if it hadn't moved in that time period it would be towed.

I did it twice when the neighbor across the street attempted to use his large camper in the street to house his deadbeat daughter. He got the hint, thankfully.
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Little ray
of sunshine
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Originally posted by brecaidra:
You're not required to help anyone, but it's polite to offer, regardless of gender, especially without knowing the full story.

OTOH, she was rude. If she needed help she should have just said, "Excuse me, sir, would you please help me?"

I am in complete agreement.

The fish is mute, expressionless. The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything.
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His Royal Hiney
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I'm not going to offer to help if I don't feel like helping. It's not like anyone's life or well-being was at risk. And it's not like I don't stop at the side of a freeway when i see someone or help at other times.

If she wanted help, she could have asked for help.

"It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life – daily and hourly. Our answer must consist not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual." Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning, 1946.
Posts: 20483 | Location: The Free State of Arizona - Ditat Deus | Registered: March 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I’d have lent a hand man or woman. I’ve done it plenty of times. Can’t say I’ve ever asked for permission.

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Sig Forum Smart-Ass
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A year o rso ago I held the door for a woman al Walmart. She mad some comment about not being frail and feeble and could handle the door herself. I told her that I was raised in the south and taught to respect my eleders, say yes Ma'am no Ma'am, yes Sir, No Sir and to hold doors open for ladies. I also stated that I was OBVIOUSLY mistaken about the LADY part, using my NON-inside, previous DI voice. The Walmart greeter heard me and snickered. My comment and the snicker just pissed the bitch off even more. Yet, I still slept well that night. Go figure. Big Grin

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When the feminist movement was gearing up in the early '70's, I got fired from a job at a VW dealership. I was a service writer.

Middle age Woman came in one day for service on her VW and I made the mistake of referring to her as "Maam".

She sternly corrected me to not call her maam.

I asked her how I should address her.

She said to use my imagine.

So, I asked her if BITCH was acceptable.

I got an early lunch that day, along with my final pay.

"Some people are alive today because it's against the law to kill them".
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Then there are guys like me: Banged up shoulder and knees that I have no intention of making worse and/or screaming in pain.

Push your car, a tow truck or be gone...
Posts: 261 | Registered: May 02, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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thank Mom and Dad for giving me the right tool,
On the rare occasions that I have to think about helping a total stranger , prior to
lifting a finger
I always ask myself
Am I more fortunate ? or less fortunate ?

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Originally posted by Fredward:
My days of helping are over. There are too many crazies and too many scams out there. My attitude is "leave me the fuck alone." Oh yeah, over the years the only guy helping me out in bad situations was, yeah, me.

Yep. Unless I know you, I'm not gonna help.

I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.
Posts: 3652 | Location: The armpit of Ohio | Registered: August 18, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
thin skin can't win
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Originally posted by GWbiker:
When the feminist movement was gearing up in the early '70's, I got fired from a job at a VW dealership. I was a service writer.

Middle age Woman came in one day for service on her VW and I made the mistake of referring to her as "Maam".

She sternly corrected me to not call her maam.

I asked her how I should address her.

She said to use my imagine.

So, I asked her if BITCH was acceptable.

I got an early lunch that day, along with my final pay.

Sounds like you were in the north. I've had friends try to explain to this respectful southern redneck why that is disrespectful and never get more than "it just is".... Roll Eyes

Ma'am, not bitch!

You only have integrity once. - imprezaguy02

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Picture of Prefontaine
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Originally posted by LS1 GTO:
"Welcome to women's lib 101 and being treated like an equal."

Dude this is my wheel house, looking for a wife for the past 21 years. You want to be treated as an equal, except when it comes to money or labor. You can’t have it both way honey. Choose.

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
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Hoping for better pharmaceuticals
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If you had asked if she needed any help, she might have screamed she doesn't need a man's help to do anything. Then you would have unlocked the Beast.

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The Unmanned Writer
Picture of LS1 GTO
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Originally posted by Prefontaine:
Originally posted by LS1 GTO:
"Welcome to women's lib 101 and being treated like an equal."

Dude this is my wheel house, looking for a wife for the past 21 years. You want to be treated as an equal, except when it comes to money or labor. You can’t have it both way honey. Choose.

My wife and i get along great in this accord. She is VERY competitive regardless of what we're doing and yet knows the women is (or should be) subservient to the man as his equal and not as his servant.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

"If dogs don't go to Heaven, I want to go where they go" Will Rogers

The definition of the words we used, carry a meaning of their own...

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