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Anybody else just had enough of politics? Login/Join 
I am about sick of even messing with voting anymore. It seems to not even matter who we vote for anymore. They don’t even listen to there base. But yet a bunch of tide pod eating retards scare them?
Posts: 1046 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: August 14, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Plowing straight ahead come what may
Picture of Bisleyblackhawk
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Yeah I'm tired of it (how can a sane person not be)...what's the alternative...not being involved at all and standing by while the swamp creatures run roughshod over us (maybe they are) may feel your vote doesn't matter, but at least by voting, you have some skin in the game which helps with the internal feeling of rejecting something being crammed down your throat...I'm not happy with things, but I will tell you this...I'm happier that that harpy and her ilk are not calling the shots...think about it...

Fuck em'...

Hang in there and don't give up!...and never let them see you sweat Big Grin


"we've gotta roll with the punches, learn to play all of our hunches
Making the best of what ever comes our way
Forget that blind ambition and learn to trust your intuition
Plowing straight ahead come what may
And theres a cowboy in the jungle"
Jimmy Buffet
Posts: 10623 | Location: Southeast Tennessee...not far above my homestate Georgia | Registered: March 10, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
slam fires
Picture of 45 Cal
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sound advice,we have it good now compared to the obumer years.
Posts: 22426 | Location: Georgia | Registered: February 19, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by gambit123:
I am about sick of even messing with voting anymore. It seems to not even matter who we vote for anymore. They don’t even listen to there base. But yet a bunch of tide pod eating retards scare them?


I am right there with you. I don’t feel like either side has any interest in anything but getting re-elected and lining their own pockets!
Posts: 802 | Location: NW North Carolina | Registered: November 04, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of 71 TRUCK
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Y E S!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was hoping after the Presidential election we would get a break. I guess not.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

As ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State

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Mr Trump is certainly not being helped by the Repubs.

The same assholes that disliked him before he won. I didn't think it would be this bad. Vote the scalwagsout.
Posts: 5775 | Location: west 'by god' virginia | Registered: May 30, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Cogito Ergo Sum
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Yea it gets tiring but we need to work on a grass roots movement to vote incumbents out. Term limits is not going to happen so we need to use the power of the vote. That is what will scare them.
Posts: 5848 | Registered: August 01, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by k5blazer:
Yea it gets tiring but we need to work on a grass roots movement to vote incumbents out. Term limits is not going to happen so we need to use the power of the vote. That is what will scare them.
. Well, there is this. A third party to compete against all the incumbents. Serve America Movement
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Picture of sjtill
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There's nothing there that wouldn't be improved with 60 (real) Republican senators. I'm sick of it, read about 10% of what I used to read, but when the time comes I'll be there making donations and campaigning, not bitching and moaning.

“Remember, remember the fifth of November!"
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Picture of sourdough44
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Yes I’ve backed off some. No matter what Trump does the swamp will be fighting back, at least he’s there over Hildabeast. I never held his previous morals to a high standard, don’t care about what happened 12 years ago with ‘Stormy’.

How come we didn’t see Bill’s ladies in the mainstream when he was president?

There are some State elections I’ll participate in, hoping to keep WI dark red for the a while yet.
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Happily Retired
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No doubt. I watch way less news now than I did 10 years ago. Even my wife has learned to like Forged in Fire. Smile

.....never marry a woman who is mean to your waitress.
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If you're gonna be a
bear, be a Grizzly!
Picture of Todd Huffman
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I'm so sick of politics it's not even funny. I'm a strong conservative, and I hesitate anymore to call myself a republican. Both parties worry more about partisan politics and not about what's best for the country.

Here's to the sunny slopes of long ago.
Posts: 3682 | Location: Morganton, NC | Registered: December 31, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Ice age heat wave,
cant complain.
Picture of MikeGLI
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Yup, like 6 years ago. The machine has completely taken over. There's no downtime for campaigning. I can't stand the vitriol and the bullshit.

I don't talk politics with people and I don't watch the news, and I don't read political publications. Too much agita.

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Now in Florida
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I forget who said - one of the conservative pundits - but he said "You can vote for conservatives but you can never have conservatism." It is partly a result of Congress willingly ceding its power to the Administrative State. Most law is made by unelected bureaucrats who burrow into government agencies like rodents and who tend to skew left. Makes it difficult to effect real lasting change in a rightward direction.

Just seems to be part of the larger "arc of history" bending towards bigger government. It can be depressing at times for sure.
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Mars_Attacks
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It's the religion of the left and they are fanatics.


Eeewwww, don't touch it!
Here, poke at it with this stick.
Posts: 34755 | Location: North, GA | Registered: October 09, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Don't Panic
Picture of joel9507
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Anybody else just had enough of politics?
Nope. Anything worth having, is worth defending.

Things like the Constitution, and the theory that we are born with all rights reserved, and we grant a few specific powers to a government that works for us and is required to respect our rights, instead of vice versa.

If there is some way of defending those ideas without politics, that'd be news to me.
Posts: 15300 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: October 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Actually, 51 senators and a leader with some balls would correct a lot.
Posts: 17376 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: October 15, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Oriental Redneck
Picture of 12131
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Anybody else just had enough of politics?

Nope. But, I've had it with the career maggots in DC.


Posts: 28869 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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If enough people would throw the bums out in the primaries, you could maybe see some change.McConnell and Ryan both need to be left at home.

It is difficult being kicked in the nuts every time the Republicans take control of the House and Senate,but it seems to be a pattern with them.

Posts: 13718 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Always vote. Third party, write in candidate, or write in none of above but always vote if only to note your opposition. I'm as deep behind the lines as one can get. I'm frustrated. I'm pissed. The republicans party doesn't really exist here. My vote doesn't move the meter but I'll be damned if I don't cast it.
Posts: 4416 | Location: Peoples Republic of Berkeley | Registered: June 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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