Originally posted by brecaidra:
I have the lower third of my head shaved. My hair is pretty thick anyway and nobody can even tell unless I'm wearing my hair up, and it feels so much better for when I'm exercising.
Lol, you know, this morning I was thinking about this thread and actually had the thought “Bre’s gonna say she’s got a partly shaved head.” Obviously what you’re rocking isn’t what I’m talking about. I used to have ridiculously long hair, so I get it. It holds heat, and if I hadn’t been determined to donate it all to Locks of Love (and did, four three foot braids), I was going to have to do the same. But I wasn’t going to do a Skrillex and I don’t imagine you would either. If you did, I wouldn’t care. I just happen to think that an attractive woman with long hair looks better with a full head of it rather than the trend du-jour.
Originally posted by RHINOWSO:
I'm a big fan of freedom.
Oh, me too. God forbid this was some kind of Kim-style thing where every woman in America had to have this stupid haircut.
Originally posted by RHINOWSO:
While I may not find it appealing or attractive, I really give zero fucks of peoples attempts at style or individuality.
I’m not sure we disagree here at all. I voiced my distaste with an attempt at humor. Perhaps it reads too much like absolute disdain. Regardless, when I see the first chick rocking a Waingro, I’m giving a compliment and a high five. “You HAD to get it on!”
Originally posted by RHINOWSO:
At least funky hair isn't permanent like the tats / gauge / piercings.
I had a kitchen manager a few years ago who was a character. He was a little guy from deepest, twangiest Tennessee, moved out to Seattle with his wife to live their lifestyle. Had a tattoo of a pink cupcake under one earlobe. Anyway, we had a coworker that had gauged ears that were easily a good 1.5” and the guys were joking about what they would look like when he was 80. There was something about double Dutch jump-rope we were laughing about when the KM with the pink cupcake tattoo chimes in with “well, I’m half gay, imagine what my butt’s gonna look like when I’m 80.” The line went silent for a long time. Hair grows back, stretched out skin doesn’t. So you have a point there.
Originally posted by Kenpoist:
You think somewhere there’s an EdgyWomensForum.com and they’re over there ranting about our choice in holsters?
Ranting, probably not. Snarking, probably daily amongst themselves about our firearm-related anything whilst they shave random patches of hair off their heads, comparing how badass they look.
Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.