Okay I don't want to have a political thread so I put it over here in the mechanical section, I have a new 238 I'm going through the waiting period here in California it has the wonderful round indicator on top and what I'm wondering is has anybody had an experience with kydex holsters especially really good high quality ones that are super tight and have great fit having problem with draw because of the loaded chamber indicator? I'm wondering if the solution would be like a sticky or something along that line a little more forgiving leather etc. thanks for any helpful replies please give me a break on the stupid state that I live in I know I don't want to get lectured on it please thanks man....
I don't know anything about the 238 LCI, not having one. But almost every LCI I have seen is in the centerline of the barrel. and lower than the front sight so there is no chance you could make a holster that would hangup there that I can see. I certainly haven't had that issues on the guns I have that have an LCI.
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
Now that I've held it in my hands you're right totally I shouldn't even opposed to this question it's kind of moot, it all takes place below the level of the left rear sight, I mean it's half the height of the site at maybe less.... Thanks for answering this man I appreciate it all good...