The safety lever on my P210-4 is really sloppy. In reviewing what I could find on multiple google searches it seems my safety lever is supposed to have a spring loaded steel ball detent. Mine does not. From what i have seen on gunbroker none of the ones for sale have the detent either. Does anyone know the size of the detent and spring? I am desperate to get this gun in functional condition. Any help is greatly appreciated.
"A significant flaw of the P210 design is that its safety locks only the trigger, leaving the firing pin free to move around. By contrast, the frame-mounted thumb safety lever on the M1911 and the GP35 blocks the sear. Additionally, the grip safety on the former pistol blocks the trigger until depressed. The Petter slide-mounted safety lever improves on these arrangements by locking the firing pin upon engagement. Additionally, automatic firing pin locks that disengage at the end of the rearward motion are incorporated in the Series 80 M1911 design by Colt and recent Mk III variation of the GP35 by FN. In this aspect, the P210 is inferior in security all of these pistols. Unfortunately, the unit construction of its hammer action group discourages any locking connection between the sear incorporated therein and the frame-mounted safety lever. The P210 is liable to discharge accidentally if it falls from a sufficient height on a sufficiently hard surface while a round is chambered, even if the safety is set. In our litigious society, this amounts to a serious safety issue. If you carry your P210, please make sure of its secure retention in the holster.
Thumb pads with a smooth edge and grooves on their upper and lower flats appear on all safety levers in the first, second, and third Swiss military contract deliveries, numbered from A100001 to A109710, as well as on some safety levers in the fourth contract delivery, Ausführung (a), numbered from A109711 to circa A114000. All other safety levers feature grooved thumb pad edges and smooth upper and lower flats.
All safety levers have hardened steel balls embedded into them under the thumb pad, at the point of contact with the frame. This ball wears a groove into the frame in the course of operating the safety. The safety lever can be removed from the frame by lifting it to the point where the ball detent slightly separates from the frame, and rotating it downwards. Negligent removal will result in extending the wear arc downwards, past the firing position detent dimple."
Posts: 11875 | Location: St. Louis, Missouri | Registered: February 04, 2008
The key word to me is "embedded". I read that as not replaceable.
Do you really need the safety, or is it just nice to have? I never have used mine because of the frame marking and it is only a range gun. In addition, it is a poorly implemented safety.
Posts: 11875 | Location: St. Louis, Missouri | Registered: February 04, 2008
NOVA_, Were it mine, and I could not find a ball bearing to replace the one missing, I would replace the safety lever. I haven't pulled the safety lever out of a Swiss P210 for some time,but IIRC the safety lever itself is the spring. P210s are too nice to not properly repair. But then, I may be in the minority in expecting my guns,whether range or carry, to function equally well, with all parts and pieces functioning as they should. That's just me. I routinely see people mention that this or that gun has some defect, is not properly sighted in, malfunctions,etc., but it's OK because it's just a "range gun"......ymmv
NRA Life
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