April 10, 2017, 09:15 PM
SigmundNon-resident carry in IL
In your vehicle concealed and loaded is fine:
430 ILCS 66/40 (e)
http://www.ilga.gov/legislatio...ID=3497&ChapterID=39(e) Nothing in this Act shall prohibit a non-resident from transporting a concealed firearm within his or her vehicle in Illinois, if the concealed firearm remains within his or her vehicle and the non-resident:
(1) is not prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm under federal law;
(2) is eligible to carry a firearm in public under the laws of his or her state or territory of residence, as evidenced by the possession of a concealed carry license or permit issued by his or her state of residence, if applicable; and
(3) is not in possession of a license under this Act.
If the non-resident leaves his or her vehicle unattended, he or she shall store the firearm within a locked vehicle or locked container within the vehicle in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 65 of this Act.I live in adjacent IA and have an IA permit (UT as well), but IA is not one of the four states whose residents are allowed to apply for an IL non-res.
In the car I'm legal, but what about when I reach private property like my range just across the river in Rock Island Co? How about other private property like a fast food restaurant? Must I then leave it in the car?
I did not see private property addressed in this very useful site:
http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/illinois.pdfApril 12, 2017, 01:13 PM
Appliance BradYou are correct regarding having it loaded on your person in a vehicle.
My understanding is that you can only step outside of your vehicle with your firearm to secure it in the truck. You do not have to unload it and you can leave it in your vehicle. You cannot carry it whether private or public property.
If you are staying overnight, that becomes your domicile and you can have your firearm in your hotel room. Getting it there and staying legal is a minor challenge. properly and legally done, my understanding is you must drop the magazine (but the ammo can remain the magazine) and empty the chamber. The firearm must be in a case but it does not need to be locked. Repeat to return to the vehicle.
As for ranges, IL members will need to check in on that.
May 11, 2017, 07:30 PM
Combat Vetquote:
Originally posted by Appliance Brad:
You are correct regarding having it loaded on your person in a vehicle.
My understanding is that you can only step outside of your vehicle with your firearm to secure it in the truck. You do not have to unload it and you can leave it in your vehicle. You cannot carry it whether private or public
If you are staying overnight, that becomes your domicile and you can have your firearm in your hotel room. Getting it there and staying legal is a minor challenge. properly and legally done, my understanding is you must drop the magazine (but the ammo can remain the magazine) and empty the chamber. The firearm must be in a case but it does not need to be locked. Repeat to return to the vehicle.
As for ranges, IL members will need to check in on that.
All bullshit! Stay out of commie states!
May 11, 2017, 10:02 PM
Appliance Bradquote:
Originally posted by Combat Vet:
All bullshit! Stay out of commie states!
Not always an option. I had to travel to a handgun class in the panhandle of WV last year. You could get there without going through about 15 miles of Maryland but not at all logical to do so.
Same with our trip to TacCon this year as we made a loop coming back to visit MO (got to meet KevinCW). that made crossing IL necessary. Same thing headed to MN this October.
I don't have to spend money there, don't have to stop. But sometimes you have to cross occupied territory. At least I don't have to stop in Gary, IN anymore to unload and lock up my pistol when I go to WI or other places west.
May 12, 2017, 07:28 AM
recoatliftAppliance Brad, if I had to pass through Gary, I'd have something belt fed!

Say, thanks for all the tips & info you post on here!!
June 10, 2017, 08:36 PM
EdmondAnyone foresee a time when there will be some sort of reciprocity between Illinois and other states?
Or how about reducing the bullying 16 hour training requirement? To my recollection it is he most required.