One of my "friends" signed me up for an email blast that comes out almost daily from Mark Giffords and his exploitation of his wife Gabby for financial gains. Every day, I get emails from them crying that the mean old gun lobby just isn't going to give up, and if I send them $3, they'll bring forth this socialist gun free society where the NRA members are jailed like the criminals that they are.
Each day, I send them back a little love note. I'm sure it goes to a spam folder some where, but I do. Their pleas are comical at best. They idolize wanna be tyrants like Chris Murphy. Thanks to them, it reminds me to donate a little more each month to the NRA.
To whomever signed me up for their emails, I have to say thanks. I've gotten many hours of entertainment out of it. They are the Dollar Store version of the Brady's. Sadly, there are some that buy the fear mongering that they sell.
(I'm sure someone will be along to tell me the sky is falling because of the Giffords. That I should "remain vigilant" and whatnot. They are third rate clown shoes at the absolute best.)
Why is that “unfortunate”? If even true? The Gifford’s are a business much like the Clinton foundation is a business. It is more about enrichment than it is the cause.
Originally posted by jljones: Why is that “unfortunate”? If even true? The Gifford’s are a business much like the Clinton foundation is a business. It is more about enrichment than it is the cause.
I suspect you have no idea what's going on down here.
********* "Some people are alive today because it's against the law to kill them".
Posts: 8228 | Location: Arizona | Registered: August 17, 2008
I read that too. Mark is being promoted as a challenger to McSally in 2020. He has declined so far, but is the clear favorite for the D nomination if he chooses to run.
Take a look at their website sometime (if you haven't already). There's a section on there that basically outlines how to structure new legislation at the state level to avoid shortcomings of previous laws. It picks out examples of "proper" structure that results in the most restrictive law possible.
Posts: 9167 | Location: The Red part of Minnesota | Registered: October 06, 2002
Originally posted by MNSIG: I read that too. Mark is being promoted as a challenger to McSally in 2020. He has declined so far, but is the clear favorite for the D nomination if he chooses to run.
Take a look at their website sometime (if you haven't already). There's a section on there that basically outlines how to structure new legislation at the state level to avoid shortcomings of previous laws. It picks out examples of "proper" structure that results in the most restrictive law possible.
We are seeing some unfortunately successful challenges by Dems in this state for state offices. Money from Bloomberg and other Soros groups are giving these elites a say in our local politics. The spike in civil war rhetoric has increased and I am not sure what will happen in the state in the next 2 years.
Getting shot is no achievement. Hitting your enemy is. NRA Endowment Member . NRA instructor
They campaigned for 1639 in WA, and it's likely they probably helped net more than a couple votes. Their participation, including media coverage, probably helped overshadow/offset the strong LE opposition to the initiative.
A real life Sisyphus... "It's not the critic who counts..." TR Exodus 23.2: Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong... Despite some people's claims to the contrary, 5 lbs. is actually different than 12 lbs. It's never simple/easy.
Posts: 4993 | Location: In the arena... | Registered: December 18, 2005
It was eight years ago today the shooting happened, my local paper has a "this day in history" column. Not sure if the MSM mentioned it, they have a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.