An area for discussing common interests--Film, literature, music and hobbies.
| | Topic | Topic Starter | Replies | Views | Last Post |
| | Station Eleven (HBO) | Oz_Shadow | 5 | 748 | by RogueJSK |
| | Breakdown of Sanity (attn: smudge and 92LX) | KSGM | 2 | 401 | by P220 Smudge |
| | Landscape Photographer of the Year competition | Ripley | 1 | 383 | by NOCkid |
| | What? Why's everyone always laugh when I say that? | tigereye313 | 2 | 481 | by tigereye313 |
| | Netflix: In From The Cold series | bald1 | 7 | 596 | by PKFan |
| | A Plague on you! Page 1 2 | rainman64 | 24 | 2077 | by cas |
| | I want the kids in bed by 9:00. I want the dog fed, the yard watered, and the gate locked. | 83v45magna | 11 | 824 | by Loswsmith |
| | Jack Reacher - Amazon series! | Ronin1069 | 6 | 1814 | by Sigmund |
| | NF: All of us are dead | konata88 | 2 | 530 | by konata88 |
| | An Evening with Bruce Dickinson | frayedends | 1 | 1173 | by nukeandpave |
| | To Podcast or not to Podcast - a recent discovery of mine | redstone | 17 | 1488 | by Wayniac |
| | ELO Telephone Line Page 1 2 | coloradohunter44 | 23 | 2477 | by Sigfest |
| | Wow!! What knockers! Page 1 2 | Schmelby | 22 | 4011 | by Marlin Fan |
| | Das Boot - Blu-Ray | Pyker | 9 | 721 | by Blume9mm |
| | Wow. Underoath’s lyrics have gotten really dark. Page 1 2 | Black92LX | 21 | 1881 | by P220 Smudge |
| | Netfix Series: The Stranger | bald1 | 7 | 800 | by KevinCW |
| | Attack on Titan - Japanese animated series Page 1 2 | Oz_Shadow | 22 | 3173 | by Pyker |
| | Any of you boys know your way around a Walter P.P.K.? Page 1 2 | tigereye313 | 23 | 2008 | by P220 Smudge |
| | I like men. I like to be manhandled. I like you. | JDHunz | 4 | 744 | by dsiets |
| | I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle | LS1 GTO | 3 | 443 | by Orguss |
| | Some Byrds psychedelia from the 60's | 6guns | 3 | 1357 | by Ripley |
| | "Old" M. Night Shyamalan movie Page 1 2 | BigSwede | 30 | 4995 | by pedropcola |
| | Hadji Girl... | mbinky | 0 | 510 |
| | Raised by Wolves starts tomorrow | Dwill104 | 19 | 3666 | by BigSwede |
| | Secrets of Sulphur Springs (Disney+) (Season 2 now streaming) | Black92LX | 5 | 927 | by Oz_Shadow |
| | Every original Avenger is now a female (except Captain America). Thanks Disney! | dwd1985 | 13 | 1988 | by Jester814 |
| | The Puppet Master on NetFlix | YooperSigs | 4 | 421 | by SigJacket |
| | How can you talk if you haven't got a brain? | LS1 GTO | 2 | 663 | by CPD SIG |
| | Casablanca and The Godfather on big screen | Windhover | 7 | 998 | by cheesegrits |
| | Battlefield 2042 (Possible October release) Page 1 2 | Orguss | 26 | 3299 | by SR025 |
| | The Unsinkable Molly Brown | recoatlift | 0 | 326 |
| | Wheeler Dealers | Schmelby | 4 | 588 | by smschulz |
| | Seal Team moving to Paramount Streaming Page 1 2 | ggile | 28 | 3040 | by corsair |
| | Outdoor Boys (YouTube) great to watch with kids! | Black92LX | 1 | 384 | by dsiets |
| | I Had No Idea That Tommy Kirk Died in 2021 | TMats | 3 | 798 | by Hume |