| | Topic | Topic Starter | Replies | Views | Last Post |
| | Separation of work and play | oldbill123 | 11 | 2536 | by dewhorse |
| | Lowes/ Kobalt Page 1 2 | IntrepidTraveler | 21 | 5374 | by Micropterus |
| | Why does everything look like it's shrinking?! Page 1 2 | chongosuerte | 25 | 4595 | by Fredward |
| | Paying cash with a $100 dollar bill Page 1 2 3 4 | GTO | 64 | 8159 | by cas |
| | Don’t order hex nuts from Amazon Page 1 2 3 | Pipe Smoker | 41 | 7805 | by Pipe Smoker |
| | 3rd world drug companies taking over the Rx market Page 1 2 | Lefty Sig | 23 | 3476 | by icom706 |
| | Can anything else go wrong today??? | Black92LX | 7 | 1615 | by Black92LX |
| | My Mail was Stolen from a USPS Drop Box, and then... | randyman | 10 | 1874 | by ZSMICHAEL |
| | Medicare wellness check Page 1 2 3 | henryaz | 41 | 5860 | by 229DAK |
| | Stop leaving guns behind!!!! Page 1 2 | Black92LX | 23 | 4307 | by Blume9mm |
| | Cell phone while driving. Please stop it already. Page 1 2 | P220 Smudge | 31 | 3922 | by Prefontaine |
| | Is there an industry with worse business sense than firearm manufacturers? | Monk | 19 | 3484 | by Browndrake |
| | Some reason to ship via UPS vs USPS? | konata88 | 12 | 1495 | by Chowser |
| | Luminox—the most over-hyped watch ever? Page 1 2 | sigfreund | 39 | 7654 | by bronicabill |
| | Volkswagen maintenance Page 1 2 | AirmanJeff | 39 | 4733 | by bronicabill |
| | Putting on 4 way flashers to text & drive Page 1 2 | tatortodd | 23 | 3830 | by bronicabill |
| | Krispy Kreme no longer makes the cinnamon and sugar donuts... | Lord Vaalic | 5 | 1880 | by Lord Vaalic |
| | newcomers to AZ and complaining it's not like home Page 1 2 3 4 | az4783054 | 69 | 8360 | by bjor13 |
| | If your stuff is sold, close your add! (Craigslist related) | dwd1985 | 6 | 1021 | by SR |
| | Surefire Sidekick -- Doesn't Work, Then Works | 4MUL8R | 0 | 751 |
| | Moving Casualty ...Emerson CQC Page 1 2 | chongosuerte | 23 | 4611 | by Blume9mm |
| | If your car is unsafe to drive, tell me. Don't wait for me to almost lose control of it. | egregore | 18 | 2277 | by V-Tail |
| | Walmart Visit Today Produces A Double Rant Page 1 2 | V-Tail | 25 | 5027 | by Blume9mm |
| | What do people get out of sabotaging the lives of others? Page 1 2 3 | mark123 | 41 | 6419 | by CoolRich59 |
| | Our Behavior on SigForum, and Toward Each Other Page 1 2 | ArtieS | 30 | 6881 | by FN in MT |
| | Why is it that sillywood seems to destroy people's brains? | Elk Hunter | 5 | 1104 | by Fredward |
| | Company wants me to pay return shipping for damaged items | gpbst3 | 6 | 1484 | by Elk Hunter |
| | $7500 to remodel a bathroom, and it's a $6 part that is giving me fits | Micropterus | 12 | 1737 | by Micropterus |
| | Dumbing down of American high schools - unbelieveable Page 1 2 | Lefty Sig | 27 | 4626 | by Lefty Sig |
| | LensCrafters lies Page 1 2 | Lefty Sig | 29 | 5657 | by Lefty Sig |
| | CCW Class Page 1 2 3 | 2000Z-71 | 46 | 9714 | by selogic |
| | Samsung galaxy note 10 or wait for Apple IPhone 11? | jac1304 | 14 | 1210 | by rduckwor |
| | How did you know I was doing meth? | 2000Z-71 | 8 | 2340 | by berto |
| | Q: if it’s 94F in east Texas, which way does the wind blow? | hudr | 15 | 2831 | by 2000Z-71 |
| | I'm fed up with the term "people of color" Page 1 2 | mojojojo | 31 | 5431 | by sadlerbw |
| | Speaking of Insurance.... | Blume9mm | 6 | 1748 | by h2oys |
| | Duracell Crap Batteries Page 1 2 | 229DAK | 39 | 5575 | by a1abdj |
| | Old Friends Bumming Money Page 1 2 | Fredward | 29 | 5840 | by Lord Vaalic |
| | Insurance stupidity #? | chongosuerte | 14 | 1924 | by Micropterus |
| | Social media importance, texting importance, harassment Page 1 2 | Prefontaine | 26 | 4614 | by Haveme1or2 |
| | [Cigarettes] The World’s Most Littered Item … Page 1 2 | sigfreund | 31 | 4633 | by dynorat |
| | If You're Going to Write a Blog... | fpuhan | 2 | 970 | by Expert308 |
| | Celebrity Endorsement Advertisements!? Page 1 2 | walkinghorse | 33 | 4893 | by walkinghorse |
| | Township road repair | joatmonv | 18 | 2276 | by Elk Hunter |
| | Surprisingly good experience with Amazon | Pipe Smoker | 14 | 1743 | by KevinCW |
| | Dead Car Battery | P250UA5 | 16 | 2103 | by Aeteocles |
| | Website with automatic popups wanting your e-mail | Excam_Man | 8 | 1246 | by sigmonkey |
| | Passing in the Shoulder | P250UA5 | 17 | 2541 | by Chris42 |
| | Frigidaire Appliances | P250UA5 | 11 | 1651 | by V-Tail |
| | iPhone pop-ups that can’t be dismissed | Pipe Smoker | 3 | 1135 | by CoolRich59 |