The Trump Presidency : Year III

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November 27, 2019, 11:46 AM
The Trump Presidency : Year III
President Trump To Designate Mexican Cartels As Terror Organizations Amid Escalated Violence

’bout dam’ time!
To the halls of Montezuma, anyone?

November 27, 2019, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
The U.S. going in there with drones or anything else is asking for a public relations nightmare.

That won't happen for a good long time, if it happens at all.

This, I believe, is a warning shot across Mexico's bow. "Get this straightened out. We're out of patience with it."

Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
The tourists business would dry up in six months or less and the Mexican government would get serious about this shit.

A bluntly-worded travel advisory, followed by a travel ban, will accomplish that. That is what I would expect to happen first.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
November 27, 2019, 12:08 PM
You don't think these animals cross the border? What, they recognize the sovereignty of the United States? Right time, right place, boom.
November 27, 2019, 12:52 PM
Balzé Halzé
Our President's latest tweet. How great is that?

Think the media will fact check this?


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light is winning." ~Rust Cohle
November 27, 2019, 01:00 PM
Yep...caught cooking the numbers again.

And they wonder why no one believes polls anymore?
Roll Eyes


Here's How Reuters Gamed A Poll To Show Rising Support For Trump Impeachment

Zero Hedge

After several major polls revealed a sharp decline in support for impeaching President Trump in the wake of unconvincing public testimony by aggrieved bureaucrats (and at least one House Democrat publicly opposing the move), Reuters/Ipsos now claims support for impeachment has increased.

The latest poll, conducted on Monday and Tuesday, found that 47% of adults in the United States felt Trump “should be impeached,” while 40% said he should not.

The result, combined with Reuters/Ipsos polling over the past several weeks, showed that the number of Americans who want to impeach the president increasingly outnumbers those who do not. -Reuters

The problem? Reuters sampled a disproportionate number of Democrats. Buried at the bottom of their report, they disclose:

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online, in English, throughout the United States. It gathered responses from 1,118 adults, including 528 Democrats, 394 Republicans and 111 independents. It has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 3 percentage points.

In other words, Reuters sampled more Democrats than Republicans and independents combined to arrive at their conclusion. They also reveal that " about eight in 10 Democrats [were] supportive of impeaching Trump, and eight in 10 Republicans opposed," and that seven in 10 Republicans felt the House impeachment inquiry had not been conducted fairly.

Moreover, "Only two in 10 [Republicans] said an inquiry would be justified for a president who uses his powers for unfair political advantage over an opponent, as Trump is accused of doing."

Reuters being Reuters...


November 27, 2019, 01:09 PM
^^^ I often notice Reuters' business headlines/articles are bearish regarding President Trump's policies.

Screw them!

SIGforum: For all your needs!
Imagine our influence if every gun owner in America was an NRA member! Click the box>>>
November 27, 2019, 01:58 PM
Pipe Smoker
“The federal judge who ordered former White House counsel Donald McGahn to appear before Congress is temporarily delaying the effect of her ruling.

U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson said Wednesday in a brief order that she needs time to consider the legal issues raised by the Trump administration's Justice Department in seeking a longer halt.

Jackson ruled Monday that McGahn must comply with a subpoena for his testimony from the Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee. She rejected the administration's argument that the president´s top aides should be shielded from congressional questioning…”

Serious about crackers
November 27, 2019, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by parabellum:

I want to see US Special Forces and Apache helicopters in the future of these disgusting animals. I want to see FLIR ideo of these maggots getting vaporized. They think they're big shit because they got hold of a few M249s? These fools have no idea what the US can do to them and their filthy cartels.

I disagree with this part, at least the "who". It is Mexico's mess and they need to clean it up, especially when it comes to pulling triggers. For 2 reasons; #1, they need to be the ones risking their lives, it is their country and responsibility. #2, the Mexican Govt. needs to up their legitimacy and effectiveness, wiping out the cartels would do that.

That said; I think we should provide any support they need short of that (recognizing it is US demand for drugs). Drones, logistics, signal intel, satellite imagery, all the tools of the NSA, CIA feeding the targeting process. Training and planning support with our SOCOM personnel, heck even weapons if they need it.

<IF> Mexico would commit to going to war with the Cartels, we could support them in a way that they basically couldn't lose. Trump has that level of resolve...I don't think they do.

On our side of the border it needs to be gloves off for any of those scum operating on our soil, eradicate them like the foreign invading "terrorists" that they now officially are.

“People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.” –Chuck Palahnuik

Be harder to kill:
November 27, 2019, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Strambo:
Originally posted by parabellum:

I want to see US Special Forces and Apache helicopters in the future of these disgusting animals. I want to see FLIR ideo of these maggots getting vaporized. They think they're big shit because they got hold of a few M249s? These fools have no idea what the US can do to them and their filthy cartels.

I disagree with this part, at least the "who". It is Mexico's mess and they need to clean it up, especially when it comes to pulling triggers. For 2 reasons; #1, they need to be the ones risking their lives, it is their country and responsibility. #2, the Mexican Govt. needs to up their legitimacy and effectiveness, wiping out the cartels would do that.

That said; I think we should provide any support they need short of that (recognizing it is US demand for drugs). Drones, logistics, signal intel, satellite imagery, all the tools of the NSA, CIA feeding the targeting process. Training and planning support with our SOCOM personnel, heck even weapons if they need it.

<IF> Mexico would commit to going to war with the Cartels, we could support them in a way that they basically couldn't lose. Trump has that level of resolve...I don't think they do.

On our side of the border it needs to be gloves off for any of those scum operating on our soil, eradicate them like the foreign invading "terrorists" that they now officially are.

Cartels deal in more than drugs, add in human trafficking. Additionally a good portion of the Mexican military work for the Cartels, including officers. Add in the politicians to the cartel work force. Realistically expecting Mexico to take care of this problem themselves may be a bit much to expect. We have been begging them to take care of the problem little to show for it. I'm thinking we could make short work of this handling it ourselves and who cares about the global optics. It would make an exceptionally strong statement.
November 27, 2019, 06:05 PM
There's something familiar about all of this but I can't quite put my finger on it:

Sondland denies report accusing him of sexual harassment, calling it 'fundamentally false'

Three women have accused U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland of sexually harassing them and then taking retaliatory measures when they rejected his advances.

Sondland, who was thrust into the national spotlight last week when he testified in the ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Trump, is accused of forcibly trying to kiss two women in separate incidents and exposing himself to a third. All incidents occurred while Sondland was working as the chairman of Provenance Hotels and before he had been appointed to his role as ambassador.

The sexual harassment claims were first reported by ProPublica and Portland Monthly Magazine. In a statement published on his personal website Wednesday, Sondland denied the claims in the story, calling it “fundamentally false” and “intended to influence congressional proceedings.”

“Ambassador Sondland refutes the allegations entirely and intends to bring a lawsuit against those publications, their management, and others involved as swiftly as possible," the statement continued.

In one incident, Sondland purportedly took Nicole Vogel, a prospective business partner and the owner of Portland Monthly, on a tour of a room in a hotel he owns before grabbing her face and trying to kiss her. After Vogel rejected him, Sondland reneged on investing in her venture.

“I remember seeing my hand drop from the door handle,” Vogel said. “I turned around, and he’s standing right behind me, and he says, ‘Can I just have a hug first?’”

She added: “And as I pulled back, he grabs my face and goes to kiss me."

Sondland's statement noted Vogel's ownership of Portland Monthly, which he described as an "outlandish conflict of interest." He also described Vogel as "a frequent Democratic party donor and close associate of Rep. Earl Blumenauer, [D-Ore.] who has spent many weeks maligning Amb. Sondland and threatening his company, misconduct that is now the subject of a Congressional Ethics Office complaint.

The second incident involved Jana Solis, a hospitality safety engineer who worked for Sondland. He allegedly exposed himself to her during a tour of his home – saying “I just thought we could have some fun” - and when she expressed her lack of interest, he reportedly called her and yelled at her about her job performance.

“He was pissed,” she said. “He didn’t get his way [with me], and he was making it about work…And he was making it all my fault.”

In his statement, Sondland claimed that Solis "altered the date on her allegation by five years, first claiming it occurred in 2003 and then later saying it was 2008 – this despite insisting that contemporaneous conversations with a friend backed up her account. " He also claimed that in 2016, "years after she claims to have been victimized, Ms. Solis encouraged her new employer to again pitch Amb. Sondland’s company, and they cited her good relationship with him."

A third woman, Natalie Sept, claims Sondland pushed himself against her and kissed her before she shoved him away while they met about a potential job. Sept said Sondland stopped helping her after the incident.

"No mention was ever made about these three claims in the many preceding years, not even during the Ambassador’s confirmation process, when federal investigators were thoroughly pursuing input about his background, both personal and professional," Sondland said, adding that reporters had approached Provenance employees "with the unsupported innuendo that sexual harassment had occurred at the company – and then solicited the employees to describe anything similar."

Sondland last week became a key witness for Democrats during the impeachment inquiry when he repeatedly talked of a “quid pro quo” involving Ukraine.

He said “everyone was in the loop” about President Donald Trump’s push for Ukraine to announce investigations into a Ukraine gas company and the 2016 U.S. election.

Sondland was one of the most anticipated witnesses as Democrats are holding a rigorous week of hearings into whether Trump’s dealings with Ukraine are grounds for impeachment.

Sondland told lawmakers that he worked with Rudy Giuliani on Ukraine at Trump’s direction and that he eventually came to believe that military aid for the country was dependent on Ukraine launching the investigations.
November 27, 2019, 06:41 PM
I don't know shit about that sondland guy, but what a shit storm he's facing. Congressman calling for boycotts and protests at his properties, now the Kavanaugh treatment. I can't even imagine how much his ambassadorship cost him, probably more than I'll make in a lifetime. Anyone who accepts a role in Trump administration better have deep pockets, the leftists are out to destroy anyone who has sat at the same dinner table or shook hands with DJT.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
November 27, 2019, 06:48 PM
I have to say that this really surprises me. Clearly, this is coming from the left. It's straight out of the playbook, but what purpose does this serve? Sondland was supposed to- what- take down President Trump? It's as if the left fully expected that this was Sonland's purpose and mission, and that he failed to fulfill his mission, and now they're pulling this incredibly obvious crap right out of the leftist playbook. Just bizarre. Was he supposed to know that that is what was expected of him? He was testifying under oath, and in a nationally-televised, live broadcast.

Utter insanity

This is so obvious, these accusations. One accuser wouldn't be enough, nor would two, but three- well, three is just enough, but not too many. Freakin' unreal. They're not even attempting to hide their bullshit anymore.

Have the leftists yet located and scanned his college yearbooks and interviewed people who attended the same frat parties as he?


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
November 27, 2019, 06:57 PM
Hwood is full of such tacky scripts, the DNC being so concerned with recycling & all, have those specialized in fabricating reusable convenient plot lines. Convenient is the word, as there is conveniently zip for actual collaborating evidence. DC is a set just like many others they've fabricated over the years.

"I've been on this rock too long to bother with these liars any more."
~SIGforum advisor~
"When the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change, then change will come."~~sigmonkey

November 27, 2019, 07:10 PM
Only going to post a little of the story. But I like Kash Patel's style

The New York Times allegedly “colluded, collaborated, and conspired” with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) to leak false information from a closed-door deposition to harm President Donald Trump and advance the “impeachment inquisition,” according to claims contained in a defamation lawsuit filed Wednesday by a senior Trump White House official.

White House official Kash Patel, who is a senior counterterrorism official on the National Security Council (NSC), filed the lawsuit in a Virginia court. In it he claims Schiff leaked allegedly false information from the October 14 closed-door deposition by Dr. Fiona Hill, a former NSC official.

Hill’s deposition was supposed to be closed to the public and even many lawmakers.

Patel filed a similar lawsuit against Politico for “working in concert” with Schiff to leak allegedly false information from closed-door depositions.

In her November 21 public testimony, Hill accused the Democrats of mischaracterizing her comments about Patel, undermining the Politico stories gleaned from leaks from Schiff, the chief impeachment inquisitor.

Patel is a former staffer to the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), who later moved to the White House in the NSC to advise the president on national security and intelligence matters.

On Wednesday, Patel filed the defamation suit in Virginia’s Circuit Court of Fairfax against the Times and Adam Goldman, both identified as defendants.

Patel accuses the defendants of defaming him by working with Schiff and members of his staff to disseminate a false story about him from Hill’s testimony
November 27, 2019, 07:21 PM
Maybe throwing Sondland under the bus is the left's ticket out of an impeachment vote.
November 27, 2019, 07:23 PM
Cool Big Grin Cool Big Grin Cool Big Grin Cool Big Grin Cool Big Grin Cool Big Grin

Link to original video:


Sic Semper Tyrannis
November 27, 2019, 07:30 PM
If cartels are terrorist organizations then what about the people sending them money. Like the illegals that are paying to get smuggled in here.
November 27, 2019, 07:43 PM
New Poll Shows Black Voters Are Raising Their Voices in Support of President Donald Trump

wo new polls show black support for U.S. Republican President Donald Trump at or slightly above 34 percent, and that means the president could get 20 percent of the black vote next year, an expert said.

Both Emerson and Rasmussen, two well recognized polling firms, show black support for the president at 34.5 percent and 34 percent, respectively.

Former Nashville mayoral candidate Carol Swain, who is also a former professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, said Monday this news will likely impact the 2020 presidential election.

“I believe that if we continue to do what we are doing now, and expand it some, that it would be realistic for the president to expect to receive about 20 percent of the black vote. And if he gets 20 percent of the actual black vote then it would be destructive to the Democratic Party,” Swain said.

“As a consequence we can expect that they (Democrats) will fight back with more lies and accusations. There is a problem with crying racism all the time and calling the president a white nationalist — it has become like the boy who cried wolf. And they’re constantly throwing it out at people to the point that it’s totally devalued.”

As The Tennessee Star reported earlier this month, Swain is one of 35 and counting African-Americans involved with a new initiative to share stories about Trump and his accomplishments as president.

The initiative, called Black Voices for Trump, launched this month in Atlanta. Black Voices for Trump is comprised of black business owners, healthcare professionals, law enforcement officers, veterans, educators, activists and patriots, according to a press release.

According to a Black Voices for Trump press release, Trump’s 34 percent approval rating among African-Americans directly correlates with promises he made — and kept — to the black community.

“You can’t dispute the fact that African-Americans have been benefiting from President Trump’s policies,” Donald J. Trump for President Senior Advisor Katrina Pierson said in a statement, adding:

Four years ago, the president asked the black community, ‘What do you have to lose;’ now we are thinking, ‘Imagine what we stand to gain!’ African Americans are key beneficiaries of the America First agenda, and the presidents growing support within the black community is a testament to the historic accomplishments made during this administration.

Leading the Black Voices for Trump board of advisors as co-chairs are: Herman Cain of Georgia, Lynnette “Diamond” Hardaway of North Carolina, Rochelle “Silk” Richardson of North Carolina and Pastor Darrell Scott of Ohio.

Other key members include Elbert Guillory of Louisiana, Niger Innis of Nevada, and Stacey Dash of Florida.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
November 27, 2019, 07:58 PM
Balzé Halzé
Originally posted by wcb6092:
New Poll Shows Black Voters Are Raising Their Voices in Support of President Donald Trump

wo new polls show black support for U.S. Republican President Donald Trump at or slightly above 34 percent, and that means the president could get 20 percent of the black vote next year, an expert said.

Even if that 20% is off by as much as 5 points, then it's already game over for the dems. Say goodnight, Irene.


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

"Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light is winning." ~Rust Cohle
November 27, 2019, 08:33 PM
Ok, so let's assume that Trump declares some of the cartels terrorist organizations. Setting aside the, "let's kick ass!" nonsense that is not an answer, I'm not sure of the practical value unless Mexico signs on.

Unless Mexico asks for help, we aren't going to puts SF troops in Mexico and we aren't going to do drone strikes on our next door neighbors, not to mention that it is a technical act of war to attack the citizens of a sovereign nation, declaration aside.

Such a declaration would be a positive game changer without a doubt but we aren't going to send troops inside. We're already employing economic pressure and we can ramp it up more but short of Mexico agreeing, our in-country strikes won't happen.