Hot diggity dog! We are getting a wall! SC rules to allow $2.5b of defense money to go to wall!

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July 26, 2019, 06:20 PM
Hot diggity dog! We are getting a wall! SC rules to allow $2.5b of defense money to go to wall!
I knew you'd do it Donny! Well done sir! It is a start, build some choke points in high traffic areas and move on like it's triage until we've buttoned up the worst, then work down the priority list until our country is secure.

Supreme Court paves way for Trump administration to use military funds for border wall

Fox News

The Supreme Court sided with the Trump administration Friday, lifting a freeze put in place by a lower court that had halted its plans to use $2.5 billion in Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

The decision, split along ideological lines, allows the administration to move ahead with plans to use military funds to replace existing fencing in California, Arizona and New Mexico with more robust fencing.

The conservative justices on the court ruled in favor of the administration. Liberal justices Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor dissented. And Justice Stephen Breyer issued a split decision, agreeing in part with both sides.

The president celebrated the ruling on Twitter: "Wow! Big VICTORY on the Wall. The United States Supreme Court overturns lower court injunction, allows Southern Border Wall to proceed. Big WIN for Border Security and the Rule of Law!"

The American Civil Liberties Union, which opposes the funding for the wall, vowed to keep fighting.

“This is not over,” said Dror Ladin, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s National Security Project. “We will be asking the federal appeals court to expedite the ongoing appeals proceeding to halt the irreversible and imminent damage from Trump's border wall. Border communities, the environment, and our Constitution’s separation of powers will be permanently harmed should Trump get away with pillaging military funds for a xenophobic border wall Congress denied.”

The ruling means the Trump administration can tap the funds and begin work on four contracts it has awarded.

A trial court initially froze the funds in May and an appeals court kept that freeze in place earlier this month. The Trump administration had asked the Supreme Court to take up the issue.

Earlier this month, a divided three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco agreed with a lower court ruling that prevented the government from tapping Defense Department counterdrug money to build high-priority sections of the planned wall in Arizona, California, and New Mexico.

At stake is billions of dollars that would allow Trump to make progress on a major 2016 campaign promise heading into his race for a second term.

Trump declared a national emergency after losing a funding fight with the Democratic-led House that led to a 35-day government shutdown. Congress agreed to spend nearly $1.4 billion on barriers in Texas' Rio Grande Valley, the busiest corridor for illegal crossings, an amount well below the $5.7 billion the president requested.

Trump grudgingly accepted the money but declared the emergency in order to siphon up to $8.1 billion for wall construction. That amount includes $3.6 billion from military construction funds, $2.5 billion from Defense Department counterdrug activities and $600 million from the Treasury Department's asset forfeiture fund.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
July 26, 2019, 06:28 PM
Hound Dog

Now, we just have to impose fines on the lib 'sanctuary cities' and funnel THAT cash down to the Wall. Big Grin

Fear God and Dread Nought
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
July 26, 2019, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Hound Dog:

Now, we just have to impose fines on the lib 'sanctuary cities' and funnel THAT cash down to the Wall. Big Grin

Withhold federal funds.

"Someday I hope to be half the man my bird-dog thinks I am."

July 26, 2019, 06:43 PM
I think we need to do both - fine them, arrest anyone who interferes, and withhold federal funds

only one way to kill a cancer is to starve it of what it needs to live

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

July 26, 2019, 06:49 PM
I thought the court was out of session until the fall? Did they come in just for this ruling?
July 26, 2019, 06:49 PM
awesome news...

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

July 26, 2019, 07:22 PM
“This is not over,” said Dror Ladin, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s National Security Project. “We will be asking the federal appeals court to expedite the ongoing appeals proceeding to halt the irreversible and imminent damage from Trump's border wall. Border communities, the environment, and our Constitution’s separation of powers will be permanently harmed should Trump get away with pillaging military funds for a xenophobic border wall Congress denied.”
What bullcrap! What do these idiots drink (or smoke)?


Texan by choice, not accident of birth
July 26, 2019, 07:56 PM
Dear President Trump,


July 26, 2019, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by downtownv:
Dear President Trump,

Good news for you! He's already got signed contracts waiting funding. It's freaking shovel ready!


Sic Semper Tyrannis
July 26, 2019, 08:13 PM
What do these idiots drink (or smoke)?
D'oh! Now I get it, the libs don't want to interfere with the free flow of drugs over the border. I'm ashamed of myself for taking so long to figure this out.
July 27, 2019, 05:56 AM
Originally posted by architect:
What do these idiots drink (or smoke)?
D'oh! Now I get it, the libs don't want to interfere with the free flow of drugs over the border. I'm ashamed of myself for taking so long to figure this out.

No, Future Democrat voting dependents (aka Slaves) is what they want....The Blacks are woke The Unions are woke. The LEGAL Hispanics are woke.


July 27, 2019, 06:20 AM
Problem is just about every Mexican I know can jump just about any wall... waste of tax dollars in my humble opinion....

Now if the real 'SC' as in South Carolina could just build a wall to keep all these damn 'foreigners' out... and I mean from up North, Florida and even out west.... we would be a whole lot better off.

My Native American Name:
"Runs with Scissors"
July 27, 2019, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by Blume9mm:
Problem is just about every Mexican I know can jump just about any wall... waste of tax dollars in my humble opinion....

Now if the real 'SC' as in South Carolina could just build a wall to keep all these damn 'foreigners' out... and I mean from up North, Florida and even out west.... we would be a whole lot better off.

Well then stop locking your doors at night and in the future only buy lockless doors. It's kind of stupid isn't to waste all that money on locks and all that time twisting the deadbolt to engage it, since most criminals can still get in your house.

Throw away those keys that are weighing down your pockets, we don't need no stinking keys.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
July 27, 2019, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by Blume9mm:
Problem is just about every Mexican I know can jump just about any wall... waste of tax dollars in my humble opinion....

Now if the real 'SC' as in South Carolina could just build a wall to keep all these damn 'foreigners' out... and I mean from up North, Florida and even out west.... we would be a whole lot better off.

That is why it has been clear to me during the first campaign push that “the wall” was more than the physical impediment. It is that, and much more. The physical barrier will be augmented by increased staffing, tighter control of illegals once they make it in, roundups and deportations increasing in frequency, etc. Trump is no fool; he used the “wall” as allegory for a much larger system. One that is slowly but surely gaining steam, despite leftist obstruction and meddling.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
July 27, 2019, 08:29 AM
I say Build it and build it high! Start it yesterday!

July 27, 2019, 08:38 AM
^ gearhounds

Doesn't even need to be a complete wall from coast to coast. Start in highest trafficking/smuggling/invading areas and work down in priority. By doing this you make choke points where you need less men to stand guard. The causal border jumpers won't be tossing their babies over 20'. Yes a cartel member will figure out how to get through some percentage of the time, but the percentage shrinks with more wall.

It's all about showing that it's not easy to get in. Right now they are handed a statement to read, they WALK across the border and immediately find the first agent possible to turn themselves into and tell them they fear persecution in their home lands. They know as soon as they are processed they are free to live in America and free to work while their 'claim' is heard.

We'd be detaining less of these people if they found it slightly harder than walking across an imaginary line and claiming asylum for unallowed reasons.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
July 27, 2019, 08:57 AM
The decision, split along ideological lines...

But Justice Roberts assured us there were no "Obama" judges...

July 27, 2019, 12:04 PM
45 Cal
I saw the news on Lou Dobs last night,damn I sure slept great last night.
What a great president we have now,damn the sure knows how to f@#$ with the dummy craps.
July 27, 2019, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Skins2881:
^ gearhounds

Doesn't even need to be a complete wall from coast to coast. Start in highest trafficking/smuggling/invading areas and work down in priority. By doing this you make choke points where you need less men to stand guard. The causal border jumpers won't be tossing their babies over 20'. Yes a cartel member will figure out how to get through some percentage of the time, but the percentage shrinks with more wall.

It's all about showing that it's not easy to get in. Right now they are handed a statement to read, they WALK across the border and immediately find the first agent possible to turn themselves into and tell them they fear persecution in their home lands. They know as soon as they are processed they are free to live in America and free to work while their 'claim' is heard.

We'd be detaining less of these people if they found it slightly harder than walking across an imaginary line and claiming asylum for unallowed reasons.

The biggest deterrent is to get REALLY serious about deporting them. If there isn't work for them because the government started giving people hiring them very stiff fines. If they know that if they come here and within months or a year or less, they'll be found and sent back home and won't be able to find work here, then they won't come even if there is no wall or desert to cross.
July 27, 2019, 03:14 PM
I expect that the funds are being reprogrammed and placed on contract very quickly; before 30 Sept.

Cheers, Doug in Colorado

NRA Endowment Life Member